Reviews for Chasing the Moon
AliceCullen3 chapter 18 . 6/11/2019
Suseri Otsutsuki chapter 18 . 12/13/2018
Excellent story!

For this fandom and AU category, this story oh-so-wow! I really like Stony relationship here. It didn’t started as love at first sight (since Steve quite annoyed by Tony although I don’t know how about Tony because you didn’t write Tony’s POV when they first met), however Steve gradually falling in love with him. It really surprise me when the fact that Tony was a Phanter-shifter revealed. An Alpha too. At first it kinda put me off and doubtful to continue reading coz I prefer him as a human or an omega for Steve. I truly captivated with Alpha-omega relationship generally. So, yeah...


I didn’t regret it to continue. It turns out suitable for Tony. Perfectly match with his personality in canon. And... man... not just Tony. You portrayed them all very well in character! Nice job! Not just that but the choice of their animal form, the Shield and Hydra roles, the codename that perfectly in sync(?) with the canon fact lol. They didn’t call each other with the codename but still I think it’s cute ;) I completely understand when you choose to make Steve-bruce a wolf, Clint a hawk, Natasha a black widow, Thor a lion and Tony a phanter (just curious, why phanter, though? If you want a cat, why not jaguar or cheetah or something else? Coz Marvel has a black phanter already so kinda hard for me to imagine Tony was phanter), but why Loki a raven? Why? I’m trying to understand but I don’t think it suitable for him. It doesn’t make sense for me.

The plot is kinda cliche, typical adventure story with rescuing themed but still I can enjoyed it. Your description was very detail about their action. Very graphic although the bed scene not that great. With your description skill (detailed gesture/emotion), it’s kinda weird to read the bed scene like something was missing. Like you want to finish that scene really quick even though the foreplay scene was good. Are you editing it out or something? Also, I don’t the age range of the character in here. Are they like in canon or not? Coz you didn’t describe Tony with his goatee as far as I remember. Is he younger in here? Like the same age with Steve or older like in canon? How about Peggy? She sounds like a mother to Steve. Her behaviour was very motherly towards him. I was kinda hopping she is Steve’s mother since you wrote that Steve doesn’t know his parent at all. Also, I don’t know, maybe coz you skip how bad Steve coping with his pack murdered, I couldn’t felt his sorrow like you wrote he almost died in epilog after Tony need his space. It felt like Steve didn’t crushed enough(?) after the incident.

Despite all, this is a great story. The pace is stabil. Consistency of the pace and the plot was great. The romance not all over or the main focus, imo, but the pack(?) themed touched me for the most. How Steve crave to have a pack really well-written! About the heat scene too! Even I can felt their heat LOL Your Steve is magnificent! This is AU and people didn’t call him ‘Captain America’ in here but you brought his ‘Cap’ personality very well! You didn’t need to point it out in the scene or have character to call him that because all the description (his gestures, his mindset, his decision, his morality) showed that he is the Captain America. Impressive! Another thing that really impressed me was the dialogues. Nothing “girly” at all in their conversations. Especially for Stony relationship. Not many Stony fanfiction that has portrayed their character very well and even rarer to have non-“girly” dialogues between them. Steve may be a bit sappy but your choice of words for him definetely not “girly”, if you know what I mean (I hope you do). To add, I like the scene when all of Steve’s pack sleep together after the last mission. I despise the epiloge just because personal preference, no offense. Steve is my favourite character and I do not enjoy he became miserable.

Ok, I think I was rambling—too long and I’m sorry if I offend you in any way. Thank you for the story, it is a well-thought one. Don’t doubt it. Keep writing! (Stony, I hope!)
The Crystal Pen chapter 18 . 11/5/2017
YES! I knew they were going to adopt him! I absolutely love how this story was not stretched out in the slightest. Though it's only 18 chapters, it felt incredibly well-paced and well-written. Another amazing story written by you.
The Crystal Pen chapter 16 . 8/16/2017
This chapter had everything I love it. Phenomenal chapter and three great cliffhangers!
twilight8377 chapter 19 . 3/16/2017
Beautiful story
Fallen Seraphina chapter 1 . 8/26/2016
I'm so happy I finally found this again! I read it almost two years ago, but I had forgotten to favourite it.
Tekie Scythe chapter 18 . 7/27/2016
Family dynamics always end with the same kid. its adorable.
Tekie Scythe chapter 15 . 7/26/2016
I honestly thought for a moment that Tony was going to pull the "I'm Iron Man." stunt.
Tekie Scythe chapter 8 . 7/21/2016
This is too good. I can't even put it down.
Tekie Scythe chapter 6 . 7/21/2016
Im Just Trash chapter 3 . 5/8/2016
I actually ship Bruce and Steve
AzucenaXshadows chapter 18 . 4/7/2016
This was a very beautifully epic story
Thanks for sharing
Guest chapter 6 . 12/23/2015
Holy hellfire. Can't say I didn't see that coming after that über spectacular backflip but still... Holy hellfire.
DragonPatronus88 chapter 15 . 11/15/2015
I really thought Tony was gonna let the cat out of the bag there for a minute. Pun intended.
On a completely different note- I just figured out a theory as to who the other spider shifters are. I'm thinking Peter and Jessica?
DragonPatronus88 chapter 13 . 11/12/2015
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