Reviews for It's Love, Stupid
Solanum Red chapter 9 . 5/22
It’s have been a long time eh? Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this story. Somehow you make this jerkass Rio really likeable, and that contrast of personalities make her fit really well with Rod.

Thanks for the ride, but I hope one day you can give this a conclusion.
Kennacleon chapter 9 . 7/4/2015
Wow, I understand that the chances of this ever being updated are slim, but I aM REALLY IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY TBH

It really deserves more reviews, followers, etc. The writing is great, the plot is riveting, the characters are interesting, etc. Probably one of my most favorite stories on this site.
Honestly chapter 9 . 9/29/2014
I can see that you're still an active user of the site. But if you're not gonna update this, at least mark it on hiatus so hopeful new readers will know not to become too invested.
aquathyst chapter 5 . 9/1/2014
this is so funnyXD
PenAndPoint chapter 9 . 9/23/2013
I saw what you did there. "and beauty is truth when that's all that you know". That's an almost quote from John Keats "Ode on a Grecian Urn" poem. I love how you put that in there! Pure genius!

Also, in the previous chapter, I forgot to comment on how I love that Vaughn reference you made. It makes me wonder if Neil is Vaughn son, because he too doesn't like vegetables. Well, obviously that's not the ONLY similarity between them. Heheh.

Ah, gosh darnnit, and I was seriously hoping for Rod to actually "do" something. But I must admit, it's cute how innocent he is. And I love how the girl in the relationship is the one who is pushing for sex. Lol.

Oh my god! I totally did not see that coming! How did I NOT see that coming? Rio's mom...I hope she recovers, but I wonder, how is Rio going to handle this. She's tried to make her peace with her parents being "dead, and now this? This is going to open a whole can full of worms. I'm really excited to see what happens next. Please update soon! Because I love this fic.
PenAndPoint chapter 8 . 9/23/2013
Omg, what got stuck up Allen's ass? Seriously, first he's trying to be helpful (key work is "try"), and then he's acting like he's jealous or something. Does he...have a crush on Rio? But I thought...well, this just makes it all the more interesting. I'm seriously loving this!

Aww, Rod and Rio are such an adorbale couple, even if they're not technically a "couple" yet. I seriously want to see some real kisses, and soon! Sighs.

Looking forward to the next installment of this fic! It's going beautifully!
PenAndPoint chapter 7 . 9/23/2013
Oh my gosh! Was that Gotz she was talking about! I loved that you made that reference!

I'm really happy that Allen and Rio worked things out, sorta. Lol. I hope they continue to be friends in the future.

Yes! The cuddles! We wants them! Aww, but now Neil had to go and cuddleblock them. Gorramit Neil!

Reading about how innocently Rod reacts to Rio's seducing is making me feel like a bad girl. And I'm liking it. Heh.
PenAndPoint chapter 6 . 9/23/2013
Ahahaha! Insane farm orgy?! Oh my goddess that's priceless! But I think they forgot to include the cows. Hahaha. XD

Oh, Allen. Must you always stirrup trouble? But Rod was so cute when he worried over Rio. And poor Rio, she just can't come up with the right thing to say to make Rod feel better. Eh, at least she tried.

Aww...I feel really sorry for Neil. I can tell he likes Rio but doesn't know what to say. I hope he falls for Iroha and vice versa. I think they would be good together.
PenAndPoint chapter 5 . 9/23/2013
Holy crap that was awesome! Man, the emotional drama going on through this story is really, really interesting. I love it when characters have to work through their crap to become better people. I am loving this!

What the hell? Does...does Neil actually have a crush on Rio? Omgomgomg! I kinda hope so, because dammit it if I just love unrequited love. But maybe he'll get together with someone else?

Looking forward to more of this epically awesome fic!
PenAndPoint chapter 4 . 9/23/2013
Ooh, shit just got real. Rio actually went to Allen to get her hair done.

My my, how brazen of you Allen. Ah well, I guess he was just trying to protected Rod, but still...he's such a dipshit.

Hmm...I wonder what happened to Rio's parents? It must not be good if that is her reaction. I am very eager to hear more of the story.

Can't wait to read more! Keep up the good work!
PenAndPoint chapter 3 . 9/23/2013
Aww, I'm glad Soseki and Rio worked things out, that makes me happy. But the way Allen caught them together is not looking good. I'm worried Allen's going to say something at the wrong time.

I like how Rod and Rio's romance is developing. I'm really hoping to see more of it, and I hope she will also have more interactions with the other villagers and make some friends. Also, people like Neil and Allen really need to respect her. I mean, shit, she's freaking built the village up from scratch! Sighs..anyways, looking forward to more of this fic. Keep up the good work!
PenAndPoint chapter 2 . 9/23/2013
Gods dammit Allen! You're such a cockblocker! And Allen obviously doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. He's barely even spoken to Rachel, much less actually talked to her, so how can he tell if she's "just playing" with Rod. And that whole thing with Soseki wasn't her fault, because it's not like she could wait forever for him, especially when it seemed to her like he was pushing her away.

I am surprised to see how insightful Rod is, and I really respect him for not just going along with what other people think of Rachel. I'm glad he can look past appearances.

I'm love how this story is unfolding, and I can't wait for more. I know you rated this fic T for Teen, but I'm hoping (and am willing to get down on my knees and beg) you'll make a side-chapter that has a lemon with Rod and Rachel. That would make me very happy.

Good work! Looking forward to reading more!
PenAndPoint chapter 1 . 9/23/2013
Ahahaha! I love the sarcasm and dry wit you show here, it's very entertaining. And I find it very interesting on how you created Rachel's character. I am very much looking forward to more of this enjoyable fic, it's already made me laugh several times and it's only the first chapter!
Accidentally The Whole Fanfic chapter 9 . 8/20/2013
"Damn it, Mom, I was getting to second base with an acquaintance!"

Rio and Rod just can't catch a break. Allen's probably responsible for this one, too.
Writingnerd291 chapter 9 . 8/5/2013
This is an awesome story! Keep u p the amazing writing!
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