Reviews for Closure
mewmewstardom chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
I saw this update in my inbox, and seeing the spoiler alert, it meant I definitely had to go back to reading. So I just finished reading, holding back tears, and I really just feel like burning that part of my memory, or just pretend it never happened...

But it did...

I am so glad for this. It makes me really glad to think that he's happy in the afterlife with Itachi It's just... So sad T_T I keep hoping that everyone's going to come back to life again, but I doubt that storyline will be repeated... But at least he might be happy afterwards...

I will go back to holding back tears...

Great one-shot by the way XD (Ignore my rant of sadness)
Stormie100 chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
Great story. Neji's life was too short. And what really bugs me is the fact that they didn't really seem to care. They give a shocked look but, that's
BeautifulDesertFoxglove chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
It sucks that he had to die. I DISAPPROVE!
AUehara chapter 1 . 12/27/2012
You know, I have this idea that Kishimoto is killing everyone just to finish his manga soon... Oh well, it has to end sometime.

By the way, this is one very different view of Neji's death I've read until now! Loved this one! xD Of course, the shiping helped a great lot. Nice going! ;D

.Atsuko Uehara