Reviews for Mass Effect: Project Persephone
Guest chapter 8 . 7/31
Propuesta conceptual de un nuevo Fanfiction Crossover del genero de la Ciencia ficcion/version de este.
Dead Space:Crawling Galaxy.
Sagas combinadas que componen el universo y contexto ficticios de este Fanfiction Crossover.
.Mass Effect
.Star Wars(Sin la Fuerza,principalmente en forma de naves y cazas estelares sin elemento Cero)
.Dead Space
.Star Trek

Facciones,civilizaciones y grupos dentro de lo largo y ancho de la Via Lactea de este Fanfiction.
.Consejo de la Ciudadela
.Urracas/Gremio Federal de Comercio(Faccion de contrabandistas interestelares independientes)
.Colonias Soberanas y Gobierno Colonial Terrestre/Earthgov(Predecesores de la Alianza de sistemas)

Especies de la Via Lactea.
.Forerunners(Pueden seguir vivos para este tiempo o suceder los eventos originales del canon Halo)
.Zerg(En combinacion con conceptos,especies de variantes y naves o demas elementos Tiranidos)
.Todas las demas razas secundarias de la version de la Via Lactea de Warhammer
(Posdata:Al igual que en este Fanfiction,solo existen dentro de un mismo universo y dimension).

Hay 2 clases principales para categorizar tecnologicamente las especies de la galaxia Via Lactea.
.Clases Exo-Todas las especies dependientes o que han basado sus tecnologias en el Elemento Cero
.Clase Vanguard-Todas las especies(Principalmente,Halo y Star Trek)que no usan el elemento Cero

.Los eventos de Dead Space y Mass Effect desde las precuelas hasta los del primer videojuego
.Los eventos de Dead Space 2 y Dead Space 3 dentro de esta galaxia de la Via Lactea en este fanfic
.El contacto y quizas posteriores relaciones del Consejo con el Dominio y eL Covenant de Star Trek y Halo,incluyendo puntos de vista ideologicos o religiosos y quizas un enfrentamiento armado mayor
.La reaccion del Consejo ante las tecnologias independientes del Elemento Cero,el Dominio y ante el Imperio de la alianza Covenant,asi como sus deseos,preocupaciones y negociaciones con todas estas facciones

.El descubrimiento de Tau Volantis y Aegis VII junto con sus eventos en este canon de mutiple saga
Lord Macnaughton chapter 6 . 7/9
Interracial relations goes against the natural order of things.
EnriksD8 chapter 1 . 8/20/2019
It's been 6 years of hiatus and still no new chapter in sight.

Another one bites the dust, sad to say.
Guest chapter 8 . 4/2/2018
Ch 8

This chapter was a complete waste
Guest chapter 1 . 11/5/2017
Shepard and her crew stand no chance, people don’t give them enough credit for this aspect, but they are smart hunters. They use the environment against their prey, air vents make great travel routes for them, and they take different forms
djmegamouth chapter 7 . 10/28/2016
Kasumi...chakwas...there gone I can't believe there gone. You don't hold back not at all you cruel monster. I love this story just as much as I despise it is so amazingly well written I love it. But so many of my favorite characters have died. There will only be more before the end oh god. God help them..
djmegamouth chapter 5 . 10/28/2016 a unitologist. What the fuck Kelly's a bad guy now but I like jelly so much
Guest chapter 5 . 3/6/2016
What the fuck! Why did you make Kelly one of those crazy ass motherfuckers! Like damn!
omer chapter 9 . 9/16/2015
Come on don't leave us hanging!
Peteriz chapter 1 . 4/11/2015
This was a very fun read when i first time read it. I hope you haven''t abandoned it.
Geralt chapter 9 . 7/31/2014
"Wow, this story sure is better than I expected! I can't wait until next- oh it's over. Well, I'm sure the author will update really soo- last update a year ago... Welp! Time to temper crushing disappointment with other stories that actually might end up completed!"
Guest chapter 9 . 7/27/2014
More, more, MORE damn you!
Guest chapter 8 . 7/26/2014
No offense, but this chapter was totally unnecessary.
Cyrannus chapter 1 . 6/28/2014
It has been a year and 2-3 days since you last updated... (We're waiting...)

This is one of the the rare crossovers that has integrated both sides exquisitely, and I would hate for it to become a DEAD story in cyberSPACE; it would have a MASSive EFFECT on your readers and followers
Dracona Mortis chapter 9 . 6/15/2014
FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK! Dat last word, man. I loved this, and really want to read more. I can't wait for the next chapter :D
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