Reviews for My Pointe Of View
Soldier of Passion chapter 26 . 6/3
Aww, I like the idea of Helen being with the Cullens. Although I imagine Aro will find her easily, since the Cullens are already on his list of interests, I don't see why he wouldn't think of looking there first. Regardless, I am very excited to read your new story! I will be reading it on AO3 I think since I tend to go on that platform a bit more often. 3
Soldier of Passion chapter 25 . 6/3

Aro is wonderfully manipulative in this, I love it! "You find me cruel and terrible now? Darling girl, you don't even know the half of it." SO. GOOD. I love it. Plus him trying to manipulate her into thinking it was all her fault, that she was asking for it- this is the kind of Aro that I really love seeing.

I can't wait to read the final chapter. 3
Soldier of Passion chapter 23 . 6/3
Aww, hearing Helen's reactions to the trial and Aro and Marcus agreeing to kill her family was sad. Also I liked the hallucination/dream sequence of Helen talking to her "former human self". I am very interested to see where you're going with this now. Also Ruby is a very fun character, glad to see her again :)
Soldier of Passion chapter 19 . 5/31
its so fascinating, because I really don't know if I've ever seen this before...someone so desperately wanting to be loved as A FATHER. He wants her as his daughter, to love and protect and its fascinating to see what he thinks would work or what he thinks he'd have to do in order to keep her. It's so interesting. Aro is so creepy and lovely at the same time, and Helen is a great OC, I love her, she's got a great head on her.
Soldier of Passion chapter 12 . 5/29
This was AMAZING, I loved Sulpicia and Aro's moment where they thought she wasn't listening. How sinful! So wait, does Sulpicia eat children? This was so endearingly creepy, I love it. I like how Helen is dealing with this: enjoying it, because she is a child and of course she'd enjoy all the luxuries, while still remaining adamant on escaping and wanting to go back to her family.

Also Aro's past backstory is great! :)
Soldier of Passion chapter 9 . 5/26 so bizzarre lol
Like, I love him, but WHAT xD
Although I basically made my Aro kidnap Ramona, so apparently we just enjoy having our Aro's attempt to kidnap unsuspecting ballerinas. It's basically canon now.

Wait. What if this is an AU of my which Ramona never met Aro at the wedding, got married to some guy with the last name Vasquez, and teaches at a ballet school because she never got lead part in Swan Lake?! OMG. OUR...OUR STORIES ARE CONVERGING.

Sorry, it's late and I'm REALLY tired lol Good chapter though, very interested in seeing what happens next :)
Soldier of Passion chapter 4 . 5/25
Hahaha, I do really enjoy the fact that you gave Helen a normal family. Like, yes she is living with a single father, but it feels so normal. Most OCs usually have some traumatic past, or are orphaned, or have an abusive parent or whatever...her life feels very normal and its nice to see.

Wait she going to end up with Des instead of Aro? Is Aro gonna be more of a paternal figure? I'd be down with that. He told her he was married, so Sulpicia is in the picture and they're looking "for a child of their own". I'd be down with this...Imma read and see what happens lol
Soldier of Passion chapter 2 . 5/25
So I'm not going to lie...I do feel rather uncomfortable with her being 14 and I don't know if you're pairing her with Aro or not but...yeah, it is making it hard for me to read lol Just because I'm a teacher and I actually...teach 14 year olds and they're like my babies...

I mean, this was also made in 2013...that's like 7 years ago, so like if you were a teen, it makes total sense, I also wrote about this stuff and paired myself with full grown adults when I was a teen too lmao. AND I would've been 19 when this came out (god that still seems so young lol).

Still, I will go headstrong through this! 3
Soldier of Passion chapter 1 . 5/25

It's so funny because I've NEVER read this story before. AND YET. AND...YET...this is ALSO a Twilight fanfiction about a ballerina and Aro...AND YOU HAVE A CHARACTER NAMED RAMONA.

I'm laughing really hard about this. Who'd have thought.

We apparently have the same exact brain.

Glad I found this, I will definitely give this a read and read the new story as well!
maalani chapter 23 . 4/28
How dare Aro go back on his word? I mean, he's totally been looking for an excuse... I hope Helen can save her family... gah! What will Aro do when he realizes she's gone? He's gonna be so mad!
maalani chapter 22 . 4/25
Oh my! I'm surprised Aro took her out to hunt, but perhaps it was for the best maybe. Also, she is gifted! The door scene, where Helen breaks it, I laughed so hard. lol loved it!
maalani chapter 21 . 4/11
Such a long chapter! And Helen is finally going to be a vampire. Aro had to make that all formal and stuff. Sounds like him. Although, the Christmas thing... not going to lie. I can't get the picture of Aro wearing a Santa hat out of my head now. LOL
maalani chapter 20 . 4/11
Love the interaction again with Helen and Aro at the beginning. He's trying here at least, but I can tell it's really difficult for him.

I really don't like Athenodora... but omg... that thing about what Aro could do as Helen's creator... Wow... that just... yeah... I'd be really nervous about that, too. Like... nuh uh. No one is having that kind of control over me.
maalani chapter 19 . 4/11
Hey! That's my birthday! Fun fact... I was born on Thanksgiving. Poor Helen. I don't celebrate though.

That would have been so awkward with the family... especially if they're in there drinking blood in front of her. I mean, it's nothing to them, but really...? They don't really care though. The lesson was interesting. World Civ is always fun, especially Ancient Civ. That's my love.

Time with Sulpicia and Athenodora... yay... That should be fun.
maalani chapter 18 . 4/11
I LOVE JESSICA JONES! First of all. And okay... I can see it. Yes, definitely.

Also, Aro... gods I love him so much... but ugh! He's so cruel! I wonder how family time will go...
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