Reviews for Breaking the Heart
Guest chapter 2 . 12/12/2019
Diss that you didn't finish.
xxxAccountDeletedxxx chapter 2 . 2/6/2013
You, my dear, have made my day! My computer has been acting up so I wasn't able to read this until now and, oh my goodness, what a wonderful surprise to have it waiting or me! You really outdid yourself! I enjoyed reading this so much. I had to laugh several times and agree that John isn't the best looking guy but he and Sherlock make a great couple. Thank you for dedicating it to me.
xxxAccountDeletedxxx chapter 1 . 1/30/2013
Great job! I love how you made Sherlock Alexandra's cousin! I hope you feel like continuing this story. It would be very interesting to hear more about John and Sherlock's stay in LochDubh.