Reviews for Follow You
IAmOutOfIdeas chapter 11 . 2/1
I absolutely loathe you for abandoning this
Child of Dreams chapter 15 . 7/27/2019
KitsuneTails25 chapter 8 . 5/16/2019
Wait, this is the second time I read this story and I just realized something. Doesn't the glowing eyes mode that Harry can't remember happening (he mentioned it after the vampire and the ocean) activates when he dies? Does that mean the alcohol killed him? Lol
Guest chapter 6 . 12/31/2018
Harry after going through his little war and two years as an Auror is so utterly STUPID enough to stop in a fight and just stare at someone?
No, sorry, incorrect.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/31/2018
Hmm. I don't really like the Harry/Ginny things here. He what, avoided her entirely for two years, just because? Do we get to find out why he did it or is it going to be left as "he just did."
big bang boom chapter 1 . 12/14/2018
Type your review what a boring story damn it can't you make it more original
D00rFr4m3 chapter 15 . 8/10/2018
Ooh, neat. A nice reveal here.

So first off, something I recall you mentioning in the first couple chapters that stuck with me: It's absolutely not a bad thing to swap POV back and forth. I'd say it's more difficult than one POV, but not inherently worse in any way. Especially when it's just two characters who are very close. A Song Of Ice And Fire has *dozens* of characters it follows all at once.

This was definitely a good read, though! It has some interesting ideas, with definitely a new take on the MoD thing. Your characters are good, though frustratingly slow to develop.

Honestly, though, I think I would prefer this fic if it was just what I assumed it would be in the first few chapters. Harry completing his parent's bucket list, and Renesmee tagging and helping out/doing it with him. Maybe some Harry/Ginny drama thrown in for good measure before the Harry/Renesmee starts. None of the vampires hunting them or Master Of Death stuff.

But maybe you thought that would be boring, so this is good too.

Thanks for writing this, I really enjoyed it.
Jade chapter 2 . 6/28/2017
Meow it
Devil.Harry chapter 1 . 6/3/2017
the story was good except the last chapter..
still hope for some update.
Haji the Monster chapter 15 . 1/28/2017
I've never been more ashamed of a story than I am right now. I just wasted an hour of my life reading this and I can't tell you how much I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from reading it.
Olivia Grace 20 chapter 15 . 1/14/2017
update please
Guest chapter 5 . 6/9/2016
Awesome story I'm enjoying reading it's sad you never finished it its brilliant!
DirewolfShadowFox chapter 15 . 5/14/2016
Love it you need to post the next chapter soon I'm living in suspense!
Shadowdog11 chapter 15 . 4/28/2016
The whole "Joham holds the trump card" thing seems really forced and makes not much sense, but I'll hold out and hope for an explanation. There's little quips I disagree with but you tell your story pretty well with minimal errors. Your conversations aren't forced, which is a relief. Hope all goes well and you feel the need to pick this back up
I'm Alec's Number 1 chapter 15 . 4/26/2016
I followed this story but noticed you haven't updated it for almost a a year and a half! Will this continue?
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