Reviews for Between My Heartstrings (There You'll Find)
Crystalzap chapter 1 . 11/9/2017
*sigh*, I am still sad over the cannon ending T_T
fandomb4friends chapter 1 . 3/2/2014
Wow that was amazing. Your writing is soooo good!
JustAnAnon chapter 1 . 7/30/2013
Holy fuck. This is... Amazing. There is no more I can say.
Loulou2a chapter 1 . 4/2/2013
If the things could be like that after the 5x13, it will be so great.
kitsuneshadow47 chapter 1 . 3/7/2013
Now that I've finally gotten a chance to read this...

OH MY GOSH ; A ; *melts into puddle of tears* Dude I swear at first I wanted to leave the room 'cause my poor heart couldn't take your EVEN SADDER VERSION of the end but everything was so beautiful omg I can't ; u ; Like usual, your words are like the prettiest flowers and adjkalgbaelk I especially enjoyed reading the reincarnation portion of it hehe :3

And asdfghjkl omg you put me in your dedications list I am not worthy-you're awesome, okay? In all honesty, you're truly one of the best people I've ever met in this fandom Thanks :') excuse me while I crawl back into my little corner and return to my fetal position as I rewatch 5x13 because I'm a masochist. In the meantime, good luck with your future writing/Big Bang x"D

Kit xxx
Ruby Roocoo Blade chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Why didn't it really end like this that would have been perfect! Well.. I can kinda see why they can't do the last bit... Family show and everything xD! But really that was amazing and I looooved it! xx
Aki chapter 1 . 1/23/2013
One word-EXCELLENT! :)
littleshyangel chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
As always the stories you write as so beautifully told! You write review after review for me that is so detailed it's like reading another story, so although I'm not great with words, I'll try and get across what this story made me feel.

The scene where Arthur died was so heartbreaking, just knowing how it was going to end and yet you added so much more than the writers did. Because of you we got to see an insight in what the guys might have been feeling during that moment.

I think me, along with a lot of people, wouldn't have even been surprised if they had shared a kiss or two. When it came down to it, they had each other and it wouldn't have been right for either of them to leave Camelot without their final words being said between them. How you expressed their feelings was beautiful and showed such emotion. It was heartbreaking.

Seeing that Merlin had been alone for so long was like being punched in the stomach, much like the finale had been. I hate the thought of him being alone. To have his soul no longer bright because his King was dead. The fact you made them reunite on Christmas Eve was lovely, a perfect day to create such a scene.

You could read the emotion that Merlin felt when he saw Arthur, the heartache that would finally go away because they were together again. I don't think I'll ever get over them being apart and the fact you brought them together made me smile.

I can't fully express what this fic made me feel, I've never been good with writing how I feel, just know this was amazing and you wrote the boys perfectly! xx
sword chapter 1 . 1/8/2013
thankyou for that loved the jane eyre quote
allthingsmagical chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
Oh this was just Gorgeous. Perfect. no other words to describe it. You have an amazing way with words. This is a beautiful piece of work and definitely something I will be reading again and again xx