Reviews for The Time We Kill
bisexuwhale chapter 14 . 4/3/2017
This is really great~ tho honestly Carol is major occ? i mean, technically Ray found sophia right? and uhh, idk,but overall i love this :) keep up the awesome work!
MirandaHolland chapter 14 . 3/9/2017
Love it, pleeeeeaaasssseee write more, great characters, Merle really is fun, love your humor, and very hot! Gotta love angry sex! Also very sweet to let Sophia live! I really hope you haven't stopped writing and are just on haitus... Hope your doing ok...
Greetings from Holland!
2x2handsofblu chapter 14 . 12/20/2014
Pm me if you still need someone to bounce idea off of. Gotta say, I tend to not like carol very much in your story, but Sophia is pretty amazing. Glad you didn't kill Her
PrincessPears chapter 14 . 4/3/2014
Oh I hope you update soon! This is just too good not to continue!
michi1990 chapter 14 . 3/29/2014
Love this story, because one we all know Merle and Daryl would really be ones surviving ZA (just in case I really need to find some real life Merle and Daryl to become friend with) and two I wouldn't know who to pick between them so definitely taking both lol. I would love to be your person to bounce ideas off but I'm only in season 2 of the Walking Dead, so not sure how accurate I can be as I tend to also read a lot of fanfiction as well. But if that doesn't matter get in touch with me! I don't want to see this story go to fanfiction heaven.
L2 chapter 13 . 3/11/2014
I dont normally leave anon reviews but Ive gotta say this story is fantastic and i just had to, rachel's character is in my eyes perfectly written. I love her sassyness! I love the banter between the three of them-very witty and made me laugh out loud a few times. Keep it up!
I hope she gets along better with the rest of the group but i do like the ?jealousy from carol though I personally believe ray would be better playing it cool with her but its your story. :) Please continue the good work and write a new chapter soon
LucyVanPolevault chapter 14 . 2/28/2014
For the love of all that is holy, do not drop this story! Not only is it funny and well-written, but you've also created a deliciously obnoxious villain in Carol (and I usually like her) and somehow - still don't know how you did it - have me buying why an almost-virgin would choose Merle to scratch her post-apocalyptic itch. And a Dixon sandwich? Good GOD! That's the best thing ever! Don't leave us hanging!

I'm new to writing fanfic, but I totally get the writer's block thing. I actually pm'd you a few days ago after reading 'surviving to live', offering up my services as a sounding board if you pick the story back up. The offer still stands, but you need to get back to this one first. PM me if you're interested. And good luck.
Guest chapter 14 . 2/18/2014
Im in love with this story! So great, cant wait to see what happens next! Mabye hot angry time with Daryl since he is mad he wastn there for "their" fist time? I think anything you come up with is gonna be great!
Dreamer Miyu chapter 14 . 2/17/2014
Bounce ideas off me! M chubby so they'll bounce back with extra stuff
Brazen Hussy chapter 14 . 2/17/2014
Provided you don't mind me being pro Ray/Merle for the long game, happy to help! ;)
PrincessxXxDarkness chapter 14 . 2/17/2014
I'd be willing to help bounce ideas with you.
SeverusSnape'sLove chapter 14 . 2/16/2014
Hope you get unstuck soon.
thedemonuknow chapter 12 . 2/11/2014
I cant even begin to tell you how many times of come back to this story to see if you've updated. Please continue it! Also, I love the dixon/rachel/dixon trio. Would love for it to continue being one. Very excited for some more action ;)
meggy999 chapter 13 . 2/9/2014
Love this story! Update soon! :)
thedemonuknow chapter 13 . 1/18/2014
Dear God please don't quit this story! I don't normally review but I have to say I've read this story quite a few times and its old. I would love it if you continued it! Also maybe get Daryl in on some action as well :))
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