Reviews for Red
LaKRipper chapter 3 . 5/15/2018
I laughed out loud at the in sha Allah part. running muslim joke that saying in sha Allah to somethingnever.
guest chapter 8 . 10/21/2017
i love this story! it's very intense.
Enziroth chapter 8 . 3/27/2017
Amazing story with incredible characterization. I don't know if you plan on continuing this or even check it anymore, but still. I love this story.
aida232 chapter 8 . 1/2/2017
Well I really love how One Piece characters keep popping up unexpectedly. Really enjoyed this story so far!
Guest chapter 7 . 8/12/2016
I love it. Its brilliance
Theonewhoisstill chapter 8 . 2/13/2016
AHHHHHH what do you MEAN steady pace!? This amazing amazing AMAZING fic has not been touched for so long already!
ShitCook chapter 8 . 1/26/2016
This is a really good story! I can't wait to read more!
Angelazzy chapter 5 . 1/5/2016
Okay just reliving the feels. Fuck. That ending. Law you just... AHHH man I'm dead. You are too good a writer and this is too good a story. Someday please give us the next instalment of this story. Please. Law needs closure. Shit. Okay. I'm done. I shall patiently wait. God I love you. What am I even saying. I'm so hooked.
Angelazzy chapter 2 . 1/5/2016
AHHH trust that I'm rereading this... And I'll probably continue to do so. THIS STORY IS TOO AMAZING. Every time. Damn I hope that one day you'll finish writing it Author-san. Jesus you're a great writing. And in my eyes you're probably the author whom captures Law and Kid's relationship the best! Ahh I love you so much. Oh but one thing... While rereading this chapter... I think I sense some foreshadowing of a sad ending... AHHH damn well anyways all the best! Hopefully one day the ending will be revealed, either way I'll continue to be here rereading and supporting your stories! (Ps: I just realised that I've already reviewed this chapter... So here I am logged out as a guest lol)
StarofJems chapter 8 . 10/29/2015
Ohohoho I'm really loving this fic. You've gone in real deep with the real world au and it's sooooo good hot damn. The interactions between kid and Law are so tangible and the internal turmoil of each of them are so great. I'm excited to learn more about Law and see how his plot again donfuckface plays out! Thanks for the great work! cant wait for more!~
Yuki Artsa chapter 8 . 8/31/2015
this sounds really interesting so far, just with the insight of kid's past. please update soon
Yuki Artsa chapter 7 . 8/31/2015

fuck spelling, law has an erection and it feels like shit is going to hit the fan XD
Yuki Artsa chapter 6 . 8/31/2015

... i need sleep XD
Yuki Artsa chapter 3 . 8/31/2015
he's waiting for eustass-ya to return... -devilish grin-
Yuki Artsa chapter 2 . 8/31/2015
hey, kid was right: law did hold the guy's intestine like it was nothing XD
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