Reviews for Smile? Never!
Emmeebee chapter 1 . 2/13/2015
I liked your exploration of Marietta's reasons for going. What she ended up doing (in canon) is horrible, but I don't understand why she gets so much hate for a bad decision she made as a teenager in a bad situation. It's interesting seeing the events of the meetings from her perspective, too - especially how she views Harry's actions towards Cho as taking advantage of her vulnerability.

I do see the smiling factor as slightly problematic as I can't necessarily see Lee going up to a guy to say he should be smiling, which reflects the idea that society seems to think it's alright to expect girls to pretend to be having fun when they're not while not holding boys up to the same standard. However, Lee and the twins do seem like the type who would be confident enough to just go up to anyone in such a way, so perhaps for him it isn't...

Still, I found it really cute. I like to imagine that Marietta doesn't then go on to betray the group in this timeline - hopefully having more interest in and involvement with some of the people involved would give her a better understanding of why it's important and link to it. I also liked seeing more of Lee. I've never sought out fanfic with him in it before, but I think I'll have to now :).
mew-tsubaki chapter 1 . 3/17/2013
Sorry for the late r&r, Kimmy! BUT. This fic was worth the wait to give it its proper appreciation. x3

So, our pairing wars aside, I think you wrote them both brilliantly, and you pulled Marietta off to a T. I mean, really. Like, she might've come off the screen just to strangle me for grinning madly at the screen. XDDDD

The set up is lovely, and I haven't really given much thought to the canon of the D.A. lessons, tbh, so the "slight AU" doesn't bother me in the least bit. ;P

You really do show an actual good side to Marietta, though, y'know. Yes, she has snide remarks about everyone, Cho included, but I feel as though the "small mercies" for Lee and the part of her that's hanging in there for Cho show that Marietta isn't a complete bitch. She's multi-dimensional and deserves more credit than anyone's given her so far. She remarks that "putting up with Cho is hard enough as it is," but I don't really think she begrudges her friend. I feel that knowing your friends aren't perfect - and sticking around - show the truth strength of friendship. Nice hinted themes there, dearie. ;)

Lee is so perf and flirty and fun. xD I almost died laughing when he said, "Challenge accepted!" because that's such a generational thing, and I deffo appreciate that. :333

The ending was sweet, too, and I wish for a continuation, though I don't think I'd ever get one... ;P

Btw, my fav line of the whole thing might surprise you: "She hasn't got a place in this feud (they call it a war, but that seems too serious for something that seems so childish in Marietta's eyes)." Not only is it one of the many lines to cement Marietta's don't-give-a-hoot attitude, but it's an ominous parenthetical. I love stuff like that, hinting at what's to come and yet showing, at the same time, people's ignorance of the future. It felt that a lot of people simply didn't want to believe that things could go so, so wrong in the magical world... ;_;

So! I loved this! :'D And someday I hope you'll at least respect the Marielee even if you refuse to ship it even alongside Peneloplee...

Thankies, hon.

-mew! -w-