Reviews for The Thief Returns To The Mountain
HistoryISculture chapter 1 . 1/21/2014
I love it! :D
Rin-anne chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Very good story! I like this version where Bilbo comes back to the mountain. You wrote Thorin's character very well. I could easily hear him talking in my mind. Course now I'm insanely curious how the battle ends with him in this place!
parhelia chapter 1 . 3/12/2013
I nearly wailed aloud when I came upon those most unfortunate words, "the end". I loved this so much; it was so well-written and just...argh, I don't know how to properly express how awesome this was. Thank you!
Jezziez81 chapter 1 . 1/19/2013
Their book ends in Erebor.

What a wonderful way to describe this sad outcome of this story and the one from Tolkien.

Thank you so much for this story. I will put it on my favlist and remember it, when the movie comes to its end.
Azvee chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
This was an amazing read. I always felt that Bilbo would have returned to the dwarves before the battle began, both to try and repair his friendship and help them in the coming battle. Your writing style is great and flowed together nicely and painted a vivid picture for me. The idea of using stories to explain why Bilbo acted against Thorin was not something I have ever read or heard of before, but I think it makes for a very well done conversation between the two.
My one regret is that this is a oneshot, and not a chapter fic. However, that is a very minor disappointment since everything else is so well done. Regardless of how the rest of this story may end, I am glad to have read this chapter of Bilbo and Thorin's journey.
BlueInked chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
I wouldn't be surprised if scenes like these happen in the movies. Good characterisation, good grammar etc, the ominous ending works.
Brightleaf chapter 1 . 1/12/2013
This is... beyond words. Truly. I cannot say I enjoyed reading this, because the purpose of this fanfiction is not to please. But it moved me, it touched me, it made me feel something, it made me consider things, situations, it gave me something to think about. It made me feel involved.
You have a peculiar style of writing and that is by no means anything negative. I was particularily impressed by how you kept them all in character, how you made this seem plausible, realistic. As if this is what Tolkien actually had originally written.
Thank you for sharing this with the world. This is one of the fanfictions that I will not forget too soon.
Noleme chapter 1 . 1/12/2013
Probably the only Hobbit movie based fic that goes to my favourites, the stickler for canon that I am. But how can one not love this story, when Azog's resurrection, Arkenstone's location, and Thorin's raven hair are the only things that feel as if they could not be a part of the book itself? You have an amazing writing style, very close to Tolkien's own, and I believe you've nailed down the characterisations of both Bilbo and the Dwarves. No small feat, that! I share your guess that Bilbo would not be killed had he returned, and that when it comes to until-recently-loyal friends, the King's bark would be worse than his bite after the intial fury had passed.
I liked the details on life in the Mountain, and your story gets a special bonus point with me for having 'Mahal' where most stories would use 'Aulë'. But what really got under my skin was the characterisations, including Bilbo's and Thorin's reasonings, and the way they talk.
I have one question though - I didn't quite understand how it was possible that, given the echoes and no barrier between the balcony and the hall below, none of the other Dwarves heard most of the conversation between Thorin and Bilbo? Or have I missed something?
Purestrongpoem chapter 1 . 1/12/2013
This should have happen in the book. You should continued with the story.