Reviews for Wide Awake
ErikatheStargazer chapter 15 . 3/24/2016
Anything written by Darkpetal16 is amazing
PurpleRawan chapter 24 . 8/23/2015
Really...that was the ending. She killed herself. Now I'm sad. WAHHH! I don't want her to die?! Why?! This story was so good. If their is a sequel to this story please send me the link. I would love it if this wasn't the ending. This is too sad for me but, I guess not all stories have happy endings. I understand. But still you are a great author, driving your OC to insanity... It kinda fits the story. Thanks again!
Guest chapter 24 . 2/22/2015
I hate you with every fiber of my being.
DragonClanMaster chapter 24 . 12/25/2014
shit! i can’t stop crying and its your fault! good story bro. good story.
AnimePersonNyaa chapter 24 . 7/24/2014
Oh my Jashin. I loved these two booms so much. Oh my Jashin I love this so much
mass-defect chapter 24 . 12/11/2013
WHAT THE FUCKING HELL! Seriously that was the most depressing thing EVER. And that ending like an eternal cliff hanger.
MiyuKazu chapter 24 . 12/1/2013
I'm going to just sit here and sob uncontrollably. TTATT WHY WOULD YOU END IT LIKE THIS. GIRL YOU BROKE MY HEART.
snoopika chapter 24 . 11/22/2013
OMG...i came across insomnia and this story and i finished it in like...three days? O.o and when i finished i was like *gaaaasp. I love this story, it seriously touched something inside me. You wrote about itami's mental breakdown really wel! I feel a bit...melancholic right now, is that the right word? Well anyway keep writing! It's amazing! :D
Music of The Light chapter 24 . 11/16/2013
Oye Kid you better make a third story for Itami and make her brothers come back. I really liked Jack & Chris. Come on please!
alix the nobody chapter 24 . 11/13/2013
okay i totally loved your story. And i hope you continue.i have an idea of how this should start in the next one if you continue. Like have her end up in the narutovers and have her have amnisia or something and finds kahona and is persued by sasuke till he finds out she doesnt remember. Idk just a thought... Eventually haveing her and dei get together oficially. Maybe have her mimic her old self in the prosess of remembering whom she is. Maybe call it amnisia since the first one was insomnia...
Just a thought. Email me for any other sugestions and tell me what you think.
Ps. Im on my phone typing this so thats why its a bit choppy
LITTLE RED FOXX chapter 24 . 10/8/2013
continue! please this story is so amazing!
EyesTheHorror chapter 24 . 9/28/2013
*Mind Blown*
TheAkatsukisPet chapter 24 . 9/2/2013
Wow...are you gonna be a shrink or somethin? jk, sorry I haven't reviewed recently: My parents have developed the sudden hatred for anything that I read which isn't books. So I have been reading it, but I've not had the time to formulate a proper review. Anyway, I'm a little confused as to why Deidara didn't push to be with her. The vote was for him but this was less of a pairing ending than it was just plain old psychological. Maybe it's just me, but I always thought of Itami as weak and needing people, not strong.
silentdove93 chapter 24 . 9/1/2013
...YOU CANT JUST LEAVE IT THERE! Its too cruel! It... I... *slumps in seat* Damn.
To be honest, Im not exactly sure what to think. On one hand, she could be dead, witch would be rather depressing but understandable. On the other, She could injured from yet another bullet wound, but still alive, leaving the whole thing open for another sequal. Or as a medium between the two, she could have shot herself but in a way that didnt kill her straight away. Significantly less likely, but it is an option.
The whole ending is just one big, vague, frustrating cliffhanger! Which I suppose if that was what you were aiming for is brilliant as it leaves readers sitting there trying to hit the Next button to find out exactly WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED...
*sigh's and starts applauding* very well written all in all, made me laugh, made me cry. Made me grin like an idiot who just thought of something truely brilliant (incredably stupid) to do. I truely look forward to anything you may write in the future. :)
JashinIsABangWithPercings chapter 24 . 8/30/2013
OMG please please write another story of her life! Like you said it was a open ending and I'll just die if I don't know what happened! 3
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