Reviews for RIPPER STREET: That Was Her Name
Lantia4ever chapter 1 . 12/1/2013
Yay, there seriously need to be more Ripper Street watchers (and Jackson/Reid shippers too :3). Those two just grew on me really, and of course Drake. Anyways, great job, loved the story!
Natsu.Reita chapter 1 . 9/5/2013
Well, a Ripper watcher over here -and reid/jackson shipper too-! I love your fic, I was watching the second episode today I can't avoid to ship this guys. They make a cute couple -romantic or not-. I hope you can write another story about them... They deserve it ):

To fav! Kisses. Bye.
KJun chapter 1 . 6/18/2013
We are out here, and this particular fan loved your fic too.

Lizziekat15 chapter 1 . 3/15/2013
good writing...hope you try writing more stories..
Little Luna Lovegood chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
This was gpod! There needs to be more Ripper Street stories out here! Great job!
Sammy1985 chapter 1 . 2/26/2013
Loved it, so glad people are writing more ripper street stuff
kamelion chapter 1 . 2/23/2013
Ripper Street viewer. *raises hand* There's now a section in tv shows for Ripper Street, only one story there, would you consider shifting yours over? Figured it was only a matter of time before slash entered into things. ;) Well, one of the selling points of the series was 'bromance' though I think they've exceeded that and made some very complex characters with real relationships. Final ep of the season coming up... *cries*

I found RS by way of Jerome Flynn...followed him from Game of Thrones. ;) As a result I'm a Drake fan, though I'm fairly equally enamored of Reid and Jackson. Great banter and camaraderie between the three, with Drake and Jackson having almost a McCoy/Spock esque feel.

Good story!
moad37 chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
Wow! Well done!. (runs around the room hollering) Kudos for a writing Ripper street fanfic. I've been waiting for some but there isnt much out there yet-and this show just oozes fanfic possibilities.
You do a good job capturing the flavor of the relationship/chemistry between the characters-(It is a classic literary theme after all: goes all the way back to the Illiad. They remind me forever and a day of Kirk, Spock and McCoy (Why are the doctors always drunk curmudgeons?) The details have changed in the canon, but it is still all good. I love your Drake lurking in the corners. Have you noticed that the script writer never gives poor Drake any adjectives? Talk about direct and straightforward. But he does dearly love tormenting Jackson-as you demonstrate with the "No...Sir." But you know?, Jackson also delights in tormenting Drake-like the "Thank you, Nurse" he tossed at Drake in the second episode. Back now to your story. It flows really well, though there is one thing that jumped out at me as incongruous. Jackson would not call Reid "buddy". 19th century American men used the word to refer to a group, as in "Hey Hobbs, where are your buddies? Or, "Hey Drake, here come your buddies." as a hostile mob approaches. But they would only use the word buddy to one of their own friends in the context of a warning that bad news was about to be imparted. As in, "Look Buddy, she's my girl so hands off". Or, "Sorry, buddy the snake that just bit you in the ass was poisonous. We're pardners and all, but I aint gonna be the one that sucks the poison out." To Reid, Jackson might say, " 'eh man, whatcha doin?" until he breaks through the emotional barriers. You are right on when you have Jackson say, "Hey, ed" when he is in the office the second time. Funny, it just occurred to me that what passes between doctor and patient are confidential, arent they. No need to hide it all from Drake though. He knew Reid needed help and that is why he led Jackson to Ried's office-and you bring that all out really skillfully. Personally, I think Drake is drawn to Reid as well, but Drake is bound by his British repression and social class correctness. The American, on the other hand...I mean, if you tell Jackson to go by the rules, he'll just say "What rules?" And Drake is going to be fascinated by watching Jackson behave outside of the box and get away with it. Jackson would say, "what box?" Drake knows very well that Reid needs them both, (not necessarily in a slash mode, but I was never quite sure about Kirk/Spock/McCoy either and there are all the Greek heros in the Illiad to consider-the "sword companion" thing was quite acceptable and one more thing...I did indeed see the innuendo-and, FYI, I AM as dirty as you are...Im dirtier! And not only do I feel good about it (Well, I AM American) I know what the script writer means when Reid threatens the guy in the cell with Jackson being an American. Think Buggs Bunny and you've got it.
TadPole11 chapter 1 . 2/20/2013
I loved this, and did you know, there is a Ripper Street section now in TV shows? :)

Well done little story, thank you!
gillyhelbee chapter 1 . 2/20/2013
Hehehe...I read and understood. I loved the story and I can say there are many of us Ripper Street fans out there...I say lets have more RS fan fiction & there is a softer side to Drake, vulnerable I feel, he puts on a tough man persona...but he is hiding something deep down
StarGirl2242 chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
It's great to see some ripper street fanfiction, I'm in love with the show at the moment, especially Reid ;) I hope we'll see some more of it soon!
Laur718 chapter 1 . 2/11/2013
Stop it...that wasn't nice...I love this show and I totally ship Reid/Jackson! I loved this fanfiction...I really me misty eyed...great job!
XRachX chapter 1 . 2/1/2013
Just got caught up to episode 5 and had to come looking for fanfiction. I adore this series and was hoping someone else would see the slash potential. Must admit I'm no longer a Reid/Jackson fan like I started out as; typically of me I'm now a supporter of the underdog and am waving the flag for Jackson/Drake. Lovely little story, though, and it's great to see I'm not the only one watching with slash goggles on!
Irish Story Teller chapter 1 . 1/31/2013
Yay for Ripper Street fan fiction! :)

Your one shot was well written and it's nice seeing some fan ideas of the backgrounds of the characters. :)
Abigail chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
Yay! I love it, even though I'm not really into slash. Ripper Street is awesome.
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