Reviews for Rebuilding the Sun
HiddenProphet chapter 16 . 7/1
I grew up watching The Mentalist. I can quite honestly say that Patrick Jane was one of my first crushes. So when I started watching it again on a whim a few weeks ago, my obsession only grew. I absolutely adore Lisbon and Jane and I've scoured the internet for good fics every night. I almost gave up hope, because the longest one I could find on AO3 was nine chapters and I don't use this site that often. But I am so grateful I found your profile because I've spent the better half of two weeks reading your stories. I've loved each and every one of them, but I have to say that this one is my favorite. These have definitely satisfied my craving for fanfic!
Whovianeverlark17 chapter 16 . 2/8
this is an excellent story! very well done, I really enjoyed it!
Anna chapter 16 . 10/4/2018
Lovely story! Really lovely!
Munkeyfump20 chapter 16 . 12/5/2016
Now this has been a very good story and I'm going to put it with my favourites thanks for a very good read
MartyMc49 chapter 16 . 8/16/2015
Dear Starry19, I read this story long ago but was too shy to review (what a nutcase I am). Now I find a deep overwhelming feeling of guilt settle in if I even think of skipping a review. I've been rereading some of my favorite stories and really... this one has everything. How much more ruggedly handsome could Jane get than to carry Lisbon out of the dark to safety. And then for her to stop him in the middle of an intense kiss - WOW! The whole finally killing Red John but having murders continue, Jane's father dying, Danny Ruskin and his parents! How can you get so much creativity into only 15 chapters and an epilogue is simply fantastic. And the ending itself - a gentle laugh about the kitchen and two very lonely people who have finally found love. Not everyone has this kind of talent! Thank you so much for this great story.
half agony and hope chapter 16 . 8/9/2015
Just wanted to say thank you a million times over for writing this story. You have such a gift for weaving a tale, and TM fandom is very blessed to have you writing for us. I look forward to reading all of the other stories you've posted :)
half agony and hope chapter 11 . 8/9/2015
Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Particularly loved meeting Angela's parents - what an emotional and intense conversation. I also really liked that you humanized Jane's father. The moment between the two of them was very touching.
And of course the ending was brilliant! Loved this chapter from start to finish.
half agony and hope chapter 3 . 8/9/2015
I stumbled across this story on mobile but had to switch to my computer so I could sign in and leave a detailed review! Your characterization of Jane is SO spot on in this. I don't know if I've ever read a better version of Jane in fanfic before. I really like how he's completely unsure of what to do now that Red John's dead. Him being so lost and confused seems so believable. I get the feeling from how you've written him that he's barely keeping afloat in turbulent waters, and this reaction seems very honest and true to his character.
I also really enjoyed specifically in this chapter when drunk Jane came to see Lisbon. Again, it feels so real - I have no trouble at all picturing Jane as a touchy-feely drunk :)
But my favorite detail of all was the kiss Lisbon gives him on the jaw. So cute!
Thank you for this absolute gem of a story - I'm off to read more!
FiascoWay chapter 16 . 3/14/2015
I've really enjoyed reading this story, thank you! I didn't see the twist with Tommy coming but it was in character with Red John's MO. Really liked your take on Lisbon's compassion and especially her faith.
LouiseKurylo chapter 16 . 7/30/2014
Excellent story. Love the connection to Jane's past and the fact that Jane's on-air comments were not at the heart of RJ's targeting of Angela and Charlotte. As is almost a cliche now, this is a far better explanation of RJ than the series finally provided in S6E8. Thanks for writing it.
LouiseKurylo chapter 9 . 7/29/2014
I will shortly find out, but it seems your story is headed toward a RJ connection to Jane (or his family) that pre-dates any on-air comments he made. I've long thought that it would be a far more compelling tragedy for RJ to have a connection to Jane going back to Jane's early life. Somehow, it's too random for a serial killer to take umbrage at some minor celebrity's mild on-air insults and then kill his family. That's almost as impersonal as an act of God (a tornado or hurricane). A personal connection would be far more powerful. Be interesting to see if I'm right.
LouiseKurylo chapter 8 . 7/29/2014
Terrific. An army of RJ acolytes, no doubt each bent on continuing their idol's "work." Yes, indeed, you have a talent for a truly horrific view of Jane's post-RJ future.
LouiseKurylo chapter 7 . 7/29/2014
Lovely story. Perfectly captures all the emotion and cross-currents of their relationship while also laying out an ominous, gripping mystery.
LouiseKurylo chapter 3 . 7/29/2014
How interesting for his father to show up.
LouiseKurylo chapter 2 . 7/29/2014
Excellent writing. How is one supposed to feel after a ten year quest for vengeance ends? May be a bit hard to predict, to "make" oneself feel not only the expected things, but in fact anything. Wonderful story. Thank you for writing it, and hungrily looking forward to reading the rest.
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