Reviews for Something Completely Different
MyraValhallah chapter 4 . 5/9/2015
Please don't leave it there. I love your Killian he's hilarious
Ryunn Kazan chapter 4 . 5/9/2015
OH I'm so glad to see you update this! I love the friendship Belle and Killian have (in both worlds) and how this is following the timeline. I do hope you update it again, but good stories take time (I would know; I haven't updated in 6 months!).
ByrintheBookWookie chapter 3 . 8/4/2014
I know you haven't updated in over a year, and have no obligation to, but I wish you would. I don't review often, but your story, with its wonderful style and disarming humor, has held me captive and forced my hand.

The relationships between your (version of the) characters then threw away the key. Gaston will never be thought of the same way again. And Belle and Killian's friendship is something I hope will actually happen in canon. It probably won't be on the same heartwarming level as yours if it happens, but I'll take what can get. I now also wish Gold and Hook were friends canonically, which is a bizarre feeling, but, thanks to you and your brilliant friend, I can't shake it.

I also wish Blaine was canon. You don't see that with OC's very often. Deputy/Sheriff Swan having to deal with him, his shenanigans, and his oodles of charm would have been ridiculously wonderful. *innocently wonders if fan fiction of fan fiction is taking things too far* *decides headcanons are probably wisest*

All of that being said, regardless of the fact that there may be an update of this story, I am happy to have read what I have. Thank you for sharing this little gem.
ByrintheBookWookie chapter 2 . 8/4/2014
There are plenty of times that I find stories on this site with wonderful base concepts, but then have to plow through plot holes, bad grammar and spelling, grotesque characterization, and horrible dialogue. I'm so happy this isn't one of those times. Thank you for being fantastically creative and fantastic in general.
ByrintheBookWookie chapter 1 . 8/4/2014
My god, this is beautiful.
MyraValhallah chapter 3 . 2/28/2013
Like it :) Love the Bell/Killian friendship. Is there going to be any Rumbelle in this at all
TeamTHEFT chapter 3 . 2/22/2013
Haha this is adorbs! I love the thought of Killian and Belle being close and Gaston being even more of a pompous jerk than he already is!
anon chapter 3 . 2/18/2013
so good!
Ryunn Kazan chapter 3 . 2/18/2013
I LOVE this story! Killian is such a sweetie! I'd love to see him meddle in rumbelle' s love life.
Neferet25 chapter 2 . 1/16/2013
I love it! After "The Outsider", something like this is exactly what I needed! Thanks for cheering me up!