Reviews for The Lying Game
jdya chapter 9 . 2/19/2018
this is extremely good
holmesfreak1412 chapter 9 . 10/29/2015
I love this and admittedly I do not even like Sokkla. Great work! Very well written and very good dialogue.
Lady Elvira chapter 9 . 2/14/2014

I can’t believe I didn’t see this fanfiction earlier!
But lucky me I did it now!
This fanfiction is just awesome! I really love your writing style and those little details you put in, for example with the atmosphere. So you also managed to add the chimaeras to it, like the Platypus-bears, the squirrel-rabbits or the turtle-ducks. And even the Spirits and Agni! Very nice! That’s what I call creative!

When I was starting to read this fanfiction I was also very surprised at the beginning part you have chosen, “Before Day Of Black Sun”. Not an easy start to begin with though you did very well!
With Azula not being the direct enemy you leave yourself much room to give the characters more space as well as to represent them your way.
Mainly you stick to the original characters; I really love the way how you portrayed the Gaang – just in their usual charm!
It was just so Toph voting for “lets push Azula from a cliff to see if she can really fly”. It really made me laugh!
Aang isn’t too bad either; always striving for peace and harmony, steadily on the spot to smooth down differences. But his training days with Azula were quite interesting though. Finally someone else besides Toph who goes tough on him and shows no mercy :)

It is really fun when he is constantly trying to sneak away but finally got fascinated by Azula’s mediation and “rising with the sun” method – that’s how we know and love Aang, right?
By the way, the “rising with the sun” idea was indeed very thoughtful of you.
A witty thought to let Azula be up for training at sunset, midday and sundown. Fits her as a fire bender. So mission accomplished, aye?

Even though you write in the short summary above that you would centre this story mainly around Azula’s relation with the Gaang I like the inputs with Sokka a lot!
This subtle interest the both of them have for each other is quite sweet. The way how they are acting when the other one is near and their sparring and above it all their bickering.
I’m relieved that you didn’t choose to make this story to cheesy but with the right amount of emotions.
That they are so argumentative is also realistically: Neither Sokka nor Azula want to get hurt by someone and so they hide behind snarky and sarcastic remarks in order to protect themselves. One thing leads to another when both are stubborn as mules to not admit their feelings neither to express them accurately! Leaves only fighting.
So it is with their last argument: Sokka just wants to crack Azula’s mask of apathy but unfortunately uses the wrong way to do so.
But drama must be! Love, peace and harmony would be just too easy!

Like I said before, you have left yourself quite a room for interpretation with setting this fanfiction before the solar eclipse but is it just that unexpected which makes it so interesting.
Why is Azula with the Gaang? Wants she really flee from her father or is it actually her “mission” which should be fulfilled as ordered by Ozai in the Prologue? Considering the title … well, I’ll let myself be surprised :)

As you have chosen that particular beginning, many things don’t happen which could later cause harm between Azula and the Gaang but on the other hand there are still the things she had done in the past and so it isn’t definitely an easy task she had to do there.
Because things are only at the start of book 3 Azula can have something like a “fresh start”. You know what I wanted to say?

So Katara doesn’t hate her actually although I have expected her to be more suspicious, lastly Azula’s still Azula. But even good old Sokka starting to lack caution for the benefit of his troubled feelings … I wonder what will happen with Suki … Still, I’m totally for SokkaxAzula!

I slightly run off the topic … What I wanted to say is: I guess, Katara is so … nice to Azula because both them have very much in common.
Both girls lose their mother at young age and both of them just can’t overcome it. But while Katara had and still have a caring family with Sokka, Hakoda and GranGran, Azula just have her father (and Zuko) but unfortunately her father brings her to the wrong way.
Katara herself had also her difficulties with her father; I just remember the scene in the first episode of season 3 where she confessed under tears that she had needed her father even though she knows she can’t and have to be strong. Azula needs her father too, but I think that that what Katara said was something that Azula would have said to HER mother if she would see her again and could manage to change her spots.

So a very lovely scene that Azula actually allow Katara to do her hair! A delicate blossoming friendship that begins to sprout there!

I also enjoy Azula’s way of speaking! So haughtily yet cynical but nonetheless so willing to represent her father’s way of acting.

All in all you made her a complex character that has not only his strengths but also his weaknesses and insecurities. Precisely because that aspect wasn’t shown that much in the series it is really fascinating to read what you made about her situation! It is just so fitting!
The other ones are great too but Azula is still the best!
So my main “interest” lies on her in the first case, I hope you forgive me for that :)

And even though you changed the plot line slightly, you added some of the trade-mark quotes from Azula in the third season, for e.g. that she is a people person or that she would celebrating to be an only child.
You even mentioned the Ember island players under consideration of the visits from the royal family itself!

Speaking of family: As lovely as the beginning “friendship” between Katara and Azula is her sisterly relation to Zuko.
You did explain many unspoken details in the past few chapters that are a passable idea for filling the gaps the series left with me.

Just the fact that Azula is called a prodigy at young age: That was bound to happen from somewhere. So why not due to Zuko’s influence? I also couldn’t imagine that they hate each other by birth. It was definitely the fault of their parents that they parted from each other so soon; mostly Ozai’s if you ask me.

And your description of their sibling-bond is just as I imagined it to be. Zuko as the protector who will always be there for her even if she would do the worst things ever and Azula who just can’t bring herself to hate him even though she saw it somehow as her duty to do so as Ozai see his son as “traitor”. Poor girl that she can’t articulate herself the way she wants to! However I am convinced that Zuko knows how she feels towards him.
Their interaction with each other is just great!
Especially when it comes to Mai – a very witty idea of yours to bring up jealousy!

My favorite scenes so far are the cliff-scene, the sparring-scene and the one with the sand castles!

All in all: I hope that you will update very soon as I am just so excited for the new chapters!
And I have so many questions left!
What about Suki? Will the Gaang survive the theatre evening? What if the people recognize Azula? Will she blow her presumably cover on the day of the Black Sun?
Will she reconcile with the team and most of all with Zuko? And what about her and Sokka?

You see: I am so excited and I just can’t hide it :D
But seriously: You’ve got a new fan! I’m absolutely thrilled!

I hope you’ll update (hopefully soon)!

Yours truly,
Bored Dragon chapter 9 . 1/4/2014
Beautifully written story, am hungrily awaiting more XD Update soon!
Guest chapter 9 . 11/30/2013
Plase update soon! This is awesome, i loved all the sand castle scene and jealous zuzu, soo cute :)
Guest chapter 9 . 11/10/2013

CaramelFrappe2 chapter 9 . 10/6/2013
OwlStorm17 chapter 9 . 9/16/2013
Interesting story you have here, I hope you update soon.
anonymous chapter 9 . 9/15/2013
This is a great story, please don't let it die!
Hinatawolf chapter 9 . 8/18/2013
That was great! I really enjoyed that chapter!
Siah1 chapter 9 . 8/16/2013
Love it favorite story update soon
Bleachfreak chapter 9 . 8/9/2013
Perfect story. You're letting azula open up bit by bit and I love it please update soon.
Kxxxxb1914 chapter 9 . 8/6/2013
Please update soon this is perfect
ShutUpYourePerfect chapter 9 . 8/6/2013
Great story, I like the part when katara was pretending to be azula if she'd join them, so azula much. •_•
Plz update soon
Ecomadness chapter 9 . 8/6/2013
Loved this chap can't wait to see more.
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