Reviews for You Don't Pick Fate, Fate Picks You
YumiKnowsBest chapter 14 . 11/2/2016
I really hope you continue this story, its the first 'hobbit' story and is fantastic, I'm an Aussie myself with a black (primary) and white Kelpie and I love when there is at least a slight notice of an Australian reference or character. Please continue this story!
Undead Fangirlsama chapter 14 . 1/26/2015
Amazing! Love this story! I can't wait to see what happens next! Update soon!
Carri007 chapter 14 . 1/13/2015
Gosh, I really enjoyed this story! Scott and Edbert are such fun characters, and you inserted them into the original story very well. And I'm glad you included so much Bofur-he's my absolute favorite dwarf :). If you ever get around to completing this story, I will definitely read it!
kage kitsune 14 chapter 14 . 5/3/2014
I love this story so far. I can't wait to read more...
magical fan18 chapter 14 . 4/11/2014
You will probably be working on the next chapter now that the second movie is out on DVD. It is a very good fic.
Kyle chapter 10 . 2/19/2014
I'm going to quit now as I am no sure what exactly changed. I don't like reading a movie script over and over again. Sorry this just isn't my cup of tea.
Kyle chapter 8 . 2/19/2014
One thing that absolutely floored me in a negative light was how they tried to make the Orcs gross as in the books they were disfigured but had the qualities and abilities of an elf including sense of smell and sight.

While regular Orcs couldn't handle daylight Urks could and were smarter able to organize attack methods. Pair them up and you have quite a good army force if you train them properly.

I often play the Orcs in the computer game Battle for Middle Earth which they seemed to follow the book version of how they look while have the musiques of the movie license and are quite an army if you use their strengths and weaknesses properly and use Wargs to fend off invaders while ranking up you're foot soldiers to attack resource buildings.

I like how you can combine hordes such as archers and blades together though I don't like how the enemy camps have no walls unlike the good guys which have forts and castles with huge doors to close but the tower shooters are pretty good at limiting the amount enemy troops enter until they are ranked up and use siege weapons.
Kyle chapter 7 . 2/19/2014
It seems the trolls also have a BS meter built in as they can tell when someone is lying.
Kyle chapter 5 . 2/19/2014
I love Thorin. He knows how to not take BS when thrown at him which is why he appears gruff but has a strong BS meter that makes a loud shrill when it goes off.
Kyle chapter 3 . 2/19/2014
This has good potential but I don't know if you accept constructive criticism so I'll just briefly point out that you need to not stick so close to the movie script. Most of us who read it have seen it a hundred times and would prefer original dialogue to the story to spice it up.

A few stories sort of do it but tend to be biased towards the same bat script. same bat channel.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/19/2014
I forgot to mention people who are responsible would try to hold a suspect down to allow police to prosecute bad people before they could get far if citizens were allowed to have basic firearms for safety.

I can see banning semi autos as you don't need that type of firepower for any situatio but handguns and revolvers are a must. All the states that have allowed open carry have never had shoot outs in public places while the states that have the most restrictive laws also have the highest deadly rate.

The entire state of Utah has never had incidents with guns that pose a danger not even accidental misfiring from someone not properly handling them and they are a state with very relaxed laws.

But today logic and reason don't mean squat so don't let facts get in the way. Please ignore that man behind the curtain!
Kyle chapter 2 . 2/19/2014
What kind of person owns horses but doesn't know how to fire a gun? Even if you hate guns being in the country you should at least know how the basics of handling one so you won't be caught unprepared.

Instead of teaching our youth proper gun handling techniques today's news media instead tries to demonize guns instead of the criminal holding the gun to discourage people from abusing gun rights.

A sign saying Gun Free will not only not stop a criminal but it will tell the criminal nobody is armed and he can shoot freely without anyone fighting back unless the suspect has bad luck and runs into an off duty cop.
Kyle chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
It's funny how dogs love to sniff at everything but I think they can sense spiritual energies we humans normally can't feel.
IvoryCrawler chapter 14 . 10/20/2013
So I really like it, it's good! I like the dedication to Eddy. It's the first time i'd seen a dog in the stories. I think it'd be nice to see a bit mroe interaction with Scott and the other dwarves. It seems kind of like you're simply retelling the story with her tossed in sometimes, instead of making it partly your own as well. either way, good job!
Guest chapter 14 . 9/16/2013
I wish I had a high pain tolerance, but you have to get used to pain to get it... :p

I feel like Bilbo's last sentence just jinxed them. :l

P.S. Don't you dare kill the dog. (I was anxious about it the whole time...) -_-; You've made all these characters like people to me or watching the movie, so I'm sure when you do decide to write romance for something that it'll be great. By the way, I like the fish out of water comradery that she has with Bilbo. :3
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