Reviews for Life After Loss
Estefania chapter 30 . 5/17
La voy leyendo varias veces ya. Y todas y cada una de ellas termine encantada. Esta es una de las mejores historias que eh leído asta ahora y eh leído muchas. Te felicito de corazón, leer algo tan hermoso me alegra el día.
Baesagi.Tsukino chapter 30 . 4/3
Just reread this story from the beginning and WOW. It honestly just gets better and better. Thank you so much for this story!
JasperK chapter 30 . 11/20/2019
I stumbled across this tale a few years back and loved it. Am so delighted to discover it finished.
The journey into recovery, friendship and love is cathartic in its progression. And lovely to watch. Thanks for sharing.
lara5170 chapter 30 . 9/13/2019
This was a very good story and while I am not a fan of angst I have enjoyed it.
Estefania chapter 30 . 8/16/2019
La historia es preciosa. Y me izo llorar en bastantes ocasiones . Los sentimientos de ambos cómo van cambiando con las circunstancias fue adorable.
Mi mejor parte cuando kagome lo rescata de los monjes y da a conocer de lo que es capaz.
Lo lamentable... Pues no hubo Lemons. De verdad faltaron me dejaron diciendo quererte...
Dejaste la mejor parte fuera ,es una pena porque es una buena historia conmovedora una de las mejores y eh leído muchas. Pero no hacer unos cuantos Lemons de esta pareja con todo lo que pasaron para llegar a eso me decepcionó.
De todas formas te felicito deseo leer más de ti. Felicidades.
PeachyKeen6894 chapter 14 . 5/14/2019
Such an amazing story so far! I hope they fall in love and have a baby so they can have more to love 3
Meenathequeen chapter 30 . 5/14/2019
this story was beautiful beyond words and i truly enjoyed it. thank you.
Baesagi.Tsukino chapter 30 . 4/25/2019
So I’ve recently fallen in love with the Sess/Kag pairing and this makes my heart so so happy! This was beautifully written, and so touching. Thank you for this magical story. chapter 30 . 2/13/2019
Merlenyn chapter 30 . 12/15/2018
I love this story. I was half hoping for a glimpse of the future or something but I love where this ended off as well. And if they keep popping out kids like that, then if they do all survive through the next 500 years to when Kagome is stuck back in time for good, then she'd have a whole little army of children and grandchildren potentially to take home and introduce to her mother, brother, and grandfather... XD And imagining her grandpa screaming "Demon begone" and trying to throw ofuda at all them would be rather hilarious. heh
Sabrina McCarthy chapter 30 . 11/14/2018
Spectacular! So many emotions, so much love! This was absolutely wonderful (:
Morphious - ChangeSpinner chapter 30 . 10/14/2018
An absolutely beautiful piece of work. As someone who's lost their mother, and watched how it's affected our family, this story deeply resonated with me. Grief is such a tangled and varied mess. And when we find our way, I like to think it makes us stronger and better people. Thank you for sharing this amazing work of fiction with us. Kagome and Sesshomaru's relationship was also a thing of beauty in this story. I immediately favorited this piece once I completed reading it. I'll shortly check out your profile to see if you've written other works. I hope so as I've thoroughly enjoyed your writing style and characterizations.
Passerbye chapter 30 . 9/5/2018
Thank you for such a wonderful story! It was beautiful in its detailed sorrow, managing to capture the emotion of loss and exploring all of the deep dark feelings that accompany it. It is nice to read of overcoming your grief in such a realistic way, the fact that it often never really leaves- it just grows fainter and more easily managed with time and patience. Thank you for having a happy ending, it helps show that we can find happiness even after experiencing life-altering sadness.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/23/2018
Thank you so much for this story it’s making me cry so much
jazellsparrow chapter 30 . 8/21/2018
Omg this is probably one of the greatest fanfictions I have ever read! I cried so many times. Thank you so much for this story 3!
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