Reviews for Hot mess
MoodSwingsAtHeart chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
I love this!
Captain Pi chapter 1 . 1/28/2017
WOW! Very nice indeed! Hope there's more of the same going on up in here!
The Cajun Phoenix chapter 1 . 5/26/2014
Wow. Bilbo's thoughts about how Thorin couldn't be interested in a Hobbit like him really speak volumes about his angst even as he thinks a soak in the Elves' steamy lake inside the caverns they use as a bathhouse will clear his mind. Thorin's very uninhibited (Holy Biscuitlover on his lack of inhibitions about his body) but he doesn't engage in idle chatter and Bilbo's unable to find the right words to work through the awkwardness.

As always, Fili and Kili show their asses when they tease Thorin and Bilbo. This is really the first time Bilbo sees the three Heirs of Durin interacting as a family and it's awesome. Excellent use of Thorin scolding Fili and Kili for being too rambunctious-the three can't even agree on who makes Bilbo more nervous.

"if he wasn't already turned-on" might flow more smoothly than "if he hadn't had a turn-on" and it still conveys the same message.

" lose his mind"-the "to" is not necessary in this context

It's really awesome saucesome to see Thorin and Bilbo in each other's arms in this one-shot and Bilbo is nervous and excited. It's even more awesome to have Thorin feel just as awkward as Bilbo but also more confident and self-assured before he admits that Dwarves are very selective when choosing their One (Thorin's One is Bilbo and vice versa). And being selective about choosing their One is a very good thing.

Thanks for writing this awesomely hot one-shot.
kitty chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
flufftastic ending i love it
Motaku1235 chapter 1 . 5/27/2013
I loved it! XD
PlumpPushu chapter 1 . 2/17/2013
A most delightful smut oneshot! Loved it!

Hope you write some more like this one! XD
Pyrane chapter 1 . 1/29/2013
Thank you !

Cj Quinn chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
You're delightful
Feelingwolfish chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
Wow! That was good
LadyofDurin chapter 1 . 1/22/2013
Loved it!
Iwantnoname chapter 1 . 1/22/2013
I love this and omg I didn't know how much I needed it in my life.
Kindred01 chapter 1 . 1/22/2013
Wolf of the Dawn chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
:O Well THAT was just lovely, my dear :P Officially my new ship haha. :)
AshStilinski24 chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
Totally well written, I love it and I thought it was IC!