Reviews for The Children of Time
Fanfickisara chapter 2 . 1/17/2018
An a concept continues. I love Rory so much so it's great to see him!
Fanfickisara chapter 1 . 1/17/2018
A story about the Doctor's platonic love for his companions? Sign me the fuck up!

(I love it. I love this idea so much!)
BalletGiraffe chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
I've never read another story that reflects EXACTLY my thoughts (and wishes) on the Dr. and his relationships with his companions. Everything you write is spot on: not only in the story but also in your notes (10/rose; 11/river) - it's like you jumped into my head! Also I really like the way you write and I can read it over and over again, because I think it's that beautiful. Well done :)
Sheeda chapter 3 . 9/29/2014
This story really touched me, and i do hope that there are more chapters to come
Astrakelly chapter 2 . 6/28/2014
That was actually quite lovely, well done
SilentGuest chapter 1 . 8/2/2013
Thank you. Thank you for putting this view of his relationships out there (and for everything you said about 10/Rose and Doctor/companion in general. YES).

I always defined his relations to Sarah as a cross between "best friend" and "father figure" (NOT romantic!), but it was only comparatively recently, when I started getting into First Doctor, that I realized how paternal he really was.

His attitude toward Vicki was grandfatherly, of course (she being basically a replacement Susan). The Second Doctor was maybe the most fatherly Doctor by nature, especially when dealing with the orphaned Victoria, and he and Jamie also had an awesome best friends/father-son relationship.

The Third Doctor more had people he worked with, though he definitely had a paternal-ish relationship with Jo. I'd say "mad uncle" sounds about right. :P

The Fourth Doctor didn't have any unusually paternal relationships beside Sarah that I can think of, and after him my old series knowledge pretty much runs out (though I've seen Five described as an adult overseeing kids on a field trip). But I would agree that almost all of the Doctor's relationships with companions are in some degree paternal.

(My personal theory, actually, is that it's because of Susan that he predominantly befriends young girls. A far cry from the new series character's opinions, of course, but I think it makes sense - especially since it was actually explicitly stated for the first two girls who came after her.)

And of course, Amy's relationship with him is practically a deconstruction (if that's the word I want) of this. She tries to flirt with him in the beginning, but he sees her as a little girl even more than usual.

You have a couple different opinions than I do about the Doctor's family - my personal headcanon gives him more like five kids, and I've always assumed his entire family, besides Susan, was killed before he first left Gallifrey. But that's just personal preference.

I'm sure I could think of more to say about all the Doctor's relationships, but I'll stop rambling now. Loved this take on them, though (even more since it ignored/explained away Rose).
Captain Kork chapter 2 . 8/1/2013
I'd never thought of it like this (normally seeing best friend type relationships) but I absolutely love this idea. I admit to being a bit of a Doctor/Rose fan (though recently Doctor/River seems to work so much better) but the parent/child relationship actually seems a lot more plausible (especially during 10's time where we see him showing active interest in other people, particularly non-companions, but never really getting anywhere with Rose).
LivMore chapter 2 . 7/30/2013
This is fantastic! I've always thought it annoying that Donna was the only companion without any unrequited feelings on either side of their relationship. It is unnatural for the Doctor to have so many "partners" if that's what you'd call them. Besides that, fabrics are all usually romances. I love to read about brother/sister relationships, but it seems I'll have to write them myself :) I loved this fatherly love that you introduced! I especially love his conversation with Rory because I never really gave much thought to how they got along like they do. Well done and keep writing!

P.S. Maybe you could continue with a chapter about Clara since she always looks after him in so many different lives.
LValeria chapter 1 . 7/7/2013
Yes, just yes. Or sometimes a mad uncle :P
Cat chapter 1 . 7/7/2013
You bring up a very good point here, actually. The Doctor is a very, very, very old man and only getting older. It's not his fault that his current regeneration looks & acts like a teenager.

Though, I will admit to being a fan of 10/Rose, 11/River, and more recently 11/Clara, some part of me knows deep down how wrong it is to see the Doctor snogging all these people all the time...and every time he does, I do sort of cringe a bit. o_O

In fact, I think you would be happy to know that there is a short deleted scene with 11 & Amy that is on Youtube that supports your cause, in which Amy compares the Doctor with a typical bloke, and he counters that argument rather brilliantly by saying he's more like "Space Gandalf" or "the little green one from Star Wars" (Yoda). Basically, he does think of himself as a grandfatherly figure and probably always has. (Well...with the exception of River, perhaps. He did marry her.)

But since we seem to see the Doctor through the companion's eyes and since most of them are young female humans who are easily drawn to dashing heroes, they probably see his affections in a "more-than-friends" kind of way. And honestly, I don't blame them. He's wonderful & charming. Who wouldn't fall for that face? (Talking about the 10th & 11th here, mostly. Although, technically, it was Paul McGann's 8th Doctor that started this whole kissing-the-companion thing.)

Anyway, I just wanted to say that this was a well-thought out point to make & it was a joy to read it. So thank you for writing it. I too, hope that the 12th Doctor will finally be an older gent, someone who finally looks his age and acts like it too. I don't want old & grumpy though, but maybe someone with a bit more...dignity & grace that the 11th always seemed to be lacking. ;o)
Dobby's Socks chapter 1 . 2/13/2013
Just saw this one! Got to say that I love it. It really captures what I believe to be the 10th Doctor's feelings for his companions. You already know I'm not much of an OC person, but I felt the deceased son and daughter were a very nice touch. Makes me think of a conversation I had with my beta about what the Doctor's first wife must have been like. Anyhow, great one-shot and I can't wait to read more of your stuff!

Dobby's Imaginary Sock

PS: Yes, I'll be getting to your PM soon. I've had a nasty bit of writer's block plus a ton of stuff to do, but I'm looking to get to it this weekend. It's been way too long since I've last updated. -_-;
notwritten chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
Likeable. Keep smiling. :-)
IamInactive chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
Can I just ask something, What word document thingy do you use to write? I'm having issues with Microsoft Word 2007 because when I upload it all the sentences get distorted, for example:

I start of with something like this then someone says,
"Hello there!"

Then it becomes:

I start of with something like this then someone says, "Hello There!"

I hate it! If you could help me I'd be eternally grateful. Also, I really did enjoy your story :D