Reviews for The Queen's Champion
TheCrazedValkyrie chapter 29 . 7/23
JoBettany chapter 39 . 7/22
Unknown Ty chapter 13 . 7/22
Fuck phoebe...and fuck man haters...and fuck misogynists...and everything in between...#Hunters should be nicer #Amazons should be nicer
Unknown Ty chapter 11 . 7/22
Her last name ain't milan tho...wtaf
TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 16 . 7/20
By the end of this book if Apollo doesn't shut it or go to Tartarus then some miracle happened for the sun God.
TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 13 . 7/20
Apollo is getting ALL of the short sticks in this chapter. I kinda feel bad, but he's being a asshole about his sister having a friend so eh.
TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 12 . 7/20
Somebody caught them in a full make out session and it's not good

The God that hates men and the man that is op has been caught smoochen
TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 11 . 7/20
I swear to God if they TP Artemis's house I will lose it
TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 10 . 7/20
Is Thanatos's Ipad not charged because the only way he can use it is when it's

TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 9 . 7/20
"That bitch was like a pennie, two faced and worthless."
Holy shit Artemis you made me audibly laugh at three am
TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 9 . 7/20
Apollo almost went to his own space craft after that. Zeus was so prepared to yeet his son into space.
TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 8 . 7/20
Artemis to the hunt "there's a new addition to the oath... Percy is an acception through the man hating's not for's for me..."
TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 8 . 7/20
Im sorry, but did Percy just order Poseidon to follow with Artemis's plan? I...a...okay
TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 7 . 7/20
Artemis your brother met something COMPLETELY different when he said that you declared Percy a man...
TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 6 . 7/20
I can imagine a human going to Taurus and a giant asking "what are you here?I beat my daughter. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!"
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