Reviews for Hap Says Hello
diana teo chapter 3 . 2/24/2013
"Retrieved the retriever(ish)", liked that...
Also, a hard-nosed DiNozzo glowering over Fornell and the Moby Dick bit. Almost forgot about Ziva! Enjoyed the "Probie!" bark and Tim's response, and Gibbs' complaint about the 'damned pay per view channel' in his head, how Hap kept reminding him of Tony, lol... :)
diana teo chapter 2 . 2/23/2013
I can't believe Inchy dunked Gibbs in the drink, lol! Plus chewing everything in sight ("eat the damn boat" is SO Gibbs!) , he's certainly not endearing himself to Gibbs...
Loved Palmer's momentary panic at thinking Gibbs had addressed him personally... :) , and the flashback with Jenny, and Gibbs scolding Hap. I'd be pulling my hair out by now...
Oooh, and the mystery's started already. Glad Gibbs mailed cards to Tim and Tony, too, plus the accompanying angst.
LOVED the whole bullpen scene! I was missing the team, and you knew just when and how to bring them in.
Laine3112 chapter 4 . 2/23/2013
After reading how the other postcard melded quite well into your story, I wondered how on Earth you were going to blend my in. Clever to use it at the end of this chapter among the others.

When you asked me to write a postcard, you knew I was going to turn it on its head, right? :)

Thanks for sparing the muzzle and using soft hands on the choke-chain as you took my screwy sense of humour out for a walk!
karlii chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
good story! :D
Glad to see Gibbs get it together at the end too. Loved Hap!
karlii chapter 6 . 2/23/2013
great fight scene!
Susan chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
I like your story. I don't agree with it but I like it. (:
vanishingp2000 chapter 6 . 2/23/2013
Yay for badass Tony! Great visuals and now they are both whumped. I loved the Shannon angel too, glad to see that Gibbs is beginning to realise what he has in Tony. Great chapter, looking forward to more. Many thanks, VP X
angelscatie chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
Great ending.
Laurie chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
I'm kinda sad this is over! The post cards were great and the way you fit them all in was genius. I am sure everyone's different style was hard to mesh in to your story, but you did a great job. Thanks again.
USAFChief chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
Another stellar job and a great success with the post cards. Loved the one that you couldn't post but gave us a look at...ytteb really has a wicked sense of humor.

ytteb chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
Who was it who said 'to understand all, is to forgive all'? - I think this could be Tony's motto and explains why he was so willing to forgive Gibbs. Great last chapter - all tied up. I loved the way that McGee made the other MIT guy give him the passwords. I'd forgotten about Jasmine so glad to see her make an entry again. Hope we meet Hap again!
Nash Carter chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
perfect ending. great job throughout the story, and i absolutely LOVED the talk gibbs and tony had. loved your gibbs *g*. that ride home in the boat, too bad we never got to see it, but it's enough to know they are friends and family again. thanks :)

so, loved this story, looking forward to the next one!

ps: that last unused postcard was hilarious *rofl*. but i totally see why you couldn't use it...
The Greek me chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
I really loved this chapter...Tony forgives Gibbs cause that's the way he is in my doesn't hold grunges especially against the people he cares when the other person regrets his actions...And we all know that Tony has a really soft spot for Gibbs..Lol...I'm really glad that they sailed in the sunset together ...Lol..Gibbs monologue about Tony was spot on...Really heartfelt...This story is the epitome of collaboration writing. Not by just you and the other writers but by the readers as well...Thank you...I know I'm greedy but I can't wait for your next story... Something with betrayal and pain will really be appreciated...Lol...Be well, always...
bridgette22 chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
That was a great way to end it. :)
katesari chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
Love the chapter! And how things get resolved is very good. Had fun reading this and helping with the PCs. Bye
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