Reviews for Witch Hunt
629kat chapter 19 . 3/24
I love this fic! I have read this several times and just want to tell you that it is amazing and you are amazing! I saw that you haven’t really been active in a while and I hope that you are doing okay! Thank you for this amazing story!
Mallory Dunbar chapter 19 . 7/30/2019
Please make more chapters I really love this story!
Sugar94 chapter 19 . 1/23/2018
I am in love with your story! I have been hanging on every word since the beginning. Please please tell me you will finish this story
Beautifulmind02 chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
Its probably futile to ask this of a story last updated in 2013, but please please please please update this amazing, well written, and interesting story. The plot is very original, and I haven't found anything like it anywhere else. The AU is well thought out, and the overall story progression is well paced. I once again ask that you please update!
lzech216 chapter 19 . 3/1/2017
Love this story hope there is more
Kathirin91 chapter 19 . 4/1/2016
Awesome story :D I enjoyed it enormously and hope that you will continue on writing it, since I am left completely addicted to it an no chapters left to read :(
Sugar94 chapter 1 . 4/21/2015
Absolutely love this story! Please continue it.
Thiltelles chapter 19 . 3/23/2015
This story is awesome! Could you write mora chapeter and finish it? its really a shame stop it without a conclusion. Thinking about this and please, update it soon!
HemmingsPayne chapter 1 . 2/19/2015
Oh. My. Larry. Please please update. Dear god this story is my soul mate
Writing Fangirl for hire chapter 19 . 12/5/2014
Sarpndo chapter 19 . 10/2/2014
Dani chapter 19 . 9/8/2014
just got to your story as it is in chapter 19; got to say I liked it a lot; there are so many questions about what's going on, but I can wait to read it . . hehe; if I have to say 1 thing though its Gabe's attitude is kinda bothering me - the way he's seeing Sam, as some sort of challenge, he's just a douche-bag about what he wants from him, and the only thing I can say at this point is that I wish he doesn't mark or ever has Sam, because that would just mean that he won! he feels like one of those guys who just wants to get in your pants, then leave you after, and crow about him winning, like another notch in his belt! I'm like cheering for Sam to not say yes (just cause so far the dude is just so not making me be in his corner); mind you I love seeing Gabe try and fail miserably!
EverybodyKnowsMe chapter 19 . 9/7/2014
Oh yay! Youre back! :) im so happy :) i was worried none of your stories would ever continue. Even if you do only focus on this one its still better than nothing :)

Congrats on the baby and all that too :)

Cant wait for any more updates you do for this story in the future :)
whatsnaptime chapter 19 . 9/7/2014
I'm glad your back I was thinking this story was going to stay unfinished I can't wait to see how it ends
babyreaper chapter 19 . 9/7/2014
Great seeing another chapter posted, it's been a while. I hope that Adam can do as Sam told him, don't want anything bad to happen to Dean, because he let something slip. Can Dean hold out to Castiel, I know he says he can, and thinks he can but with the bond thing and Cas being so persistent. Thx
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