Reviews for Apples
Guest chapter 38 . 5/6
I need more, i LOVE this fic 3
Guest chapter 38 . 4/13
Ive just re read this whole story and its still so good, i know its been a long time but please keep going, its amazing
Fairylily chapter 38 . 3/27
Been reading lots of fanfiction during current covid-19 pandemic and have been in self-isolation with lots of time to read. I was only mildly curious about this pairing, but the title and description of your story had me I’m hooked and suffering from withdrawals. Please save me from my misery and update soon ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっpretty please? Maybe? Your writing is fantastic by the way. Love how you portray every character. The emotions, the atmosphere, detailsit all seems so real and immersive and just so wonderful, and I really appreciate your time, energy, and creativity you put into this. Hope all is well with you.
Hurtbeats chapter 38 . 2/11
I just wanted to say that I love this work. It's silly and wonderful and it's been helping me get through the aftershocks of a breakup I never expected. The way you wrote about piccolo's meditation, it's shockingly helpful to someone who's had a hurt past. Honestly, this lovely well-paced smut has helped me to think about things in a different light.

I'm incredibly impressed at your English skills, I was very lucky to be raised speaking it, but I do like to study languages and English is not an easy one.
You are a great writer, I hope you continue this some day and that you enjoy doing so.
Leogoku chapter 1 . 2/5
me encanta el gohan semen y piccolo uke. ha esta historia le tengo mucha expectativa y espero se mantenga.

siguiere leyendo :3
citofire chapter 32 . 1/23
me encanta como reflejas las personalidades de los personajes tan bien, es como si el mismo akira lo hubiera escrito te felicito de verdad, ojala sigas con este fanficition ya quiero sabes más.
HUN Anonymus chapter 38 . 10/27/2019
Can you please update this masterpiece. I am sure the next few chapters will be an ending. Please continue.
angel4 chapter 30 . 9/12/2019
yo en lo personal si considero a piccolo del tipo tímido en esa parte. osea no conoce nada del romance así que si puede ser considerado tímido y retraído en eso. gohna no, el si sabe así que el si puede ser menos tímido.

es mi opinión.
giovanna chapter 38 . 8/28/2019
amigo el capitulo lo necesito en mi vida. ¿para cuando lo vas a estrenar?
estefi-fujoshi chapter 38 . 8/27/2019
hola me presento soy una nueva fan de esta historia. saludos.

tenía una pregunta acerca de esta sería y es ... ¿ellos en algún punto de esta historia van a tener hijos?.

PD: sería muy lindo que en un capitulo piccolo le diga a gohan que esta embarazado uwu.

espero que así sea.
coipto chapter 3 . 8/26/2019
menos mal que gohan ama a pccolo, ya me había asustado cuando le dijo a videl te amo, pero menos mal era de forma platónica y no romántica
giova chapter 38 . 8/25/2019
amiga ¿y el capitulo?
copito770 chapter 38 . 8/25/2019
oye nos tienes olvidado a todos amigo, queremos saber el final de este gran historia por favor dime ¿seguirás publicando? dime que si, no nos puedes dejar con el suspenso
gio chapter 38 . 8/4/2019
¿vas a seguir escribiendo verdad? :)
xvanillaxx chapter 38 . 6/18/2019
Omg I devoured your story, read the 38 chapters in 3 days, meaning constant reading! Really hope you'll proceed though. The way the story is thought through and the characters develoo is really well written. Please please proceed!
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