Reviews for In Our Solemn Hour
ransa ga shinda chapter 1 . 2/7
this was my favorite fic on here, and despite my not being a hetalia fan anymore, it still is. it's incredibly well written and a creative depiction of historical events, and well, i love it to death. hope you're doing ok, Warsaw and Vilnius, and wish you guys the best in your current endeavors! thanks for writing a story i can keep coming back to~
Determined Dancer chapter 8 . 1/31/2019
I think this is my favorite chapter so far. The Winter War was actually pretty interesting considering the opponents. The fact that Finland mutters “Oh dear” during a death fight is also hilarious. I did enjoy Russia’s insight on the fight though, very interesting.
Determined Dancer chapter 2 . 1/31/2019
I’m cackling over here! I can’t breathe! Poland is an icon for us all!
Determined Dancer chapter 1 . 1/31/2019
This is freakin’ brilliant! Like the characters are so on point and not overly dark but their comical side isn’t gone either. I particularly love the ending party with Poland because the man is vomiting and coughing up blood, but it keeps a light note with his pony’s name. Keep up the good work!
BlackTributaries chapter 1 . 11/8/2017
Oh goodness, my last year and a half have been marked by a long period of crazy changes, and it's likely to continue for a while to come, but I thought of your story again the other day and, though my internet time is severely limited these days... well, let's just say there's nothing quite like binge-rereading a favorite fic in the dead of way-past-midnight on a night I can't actually afford to lose that much sleep to show how much I really, really love said favorite. How are you guys doing? Busy with life? No pressure at all, of course, since I know my own life's been hectic enough that I had to put a bunch of things on indefinite hold, but I'd love to hear how you're doing, and whether the fic will continue at some point in the future!
Guest chapter 12 . 9/7/2017
France and England were the best part of these two chapters. Very funny.
Deadfictionalcharacters chapter 30 . 4/30/2017
I really like this fanfiction, one of the best I've seen, and I'm always a sucker for historical fics. I also really like how you wrote from the perspective of so many different characters. It's a wonderful fanfiction.
Pyruvate chapter 30 . 7/26/2016
Okay damn if this wasn't the best story I've ever read. I loved every single word (yes, all 227k) and you HD me laughing and crying at the most beautiful scenes. I loved your characterizations, your style of writing, your historical accuracy, and I learned more from this than I ever learned in my world history courses. I am very excitedly looking forward to the rest of this fic and the sequel and prequel (I think you mentioned them) even though they probably won't be written until a few years later. I love how you rationalize each side of the story- nobody is "good" or "bad" although some characters do tend to be dark. You did a great job in narrating the story, even in the most dark scenes, and I am looking forward to seeing more of the allies. This story had some of the best lines I've ever seen, and I have no words to express how much I loved it. Now, that being said, it has been 8 months or so since this has been updated and that just makes me want to cry. I don't want to pressure you into anything, I just want to say that you still have the readers' full support and we would love to see another wonderful chapter of this amazing story. (in other words, where are you?)
BlackTributaries chapter 30 . 2/29/2016
Whew, I got through 227k words in the span of a day! Kinda! I was pretty much glued to my seat at certain points, and I’m pretty sure I have some internal injuries from some of the more gutwrenching portions. Such an awesome fic, and now I really can’t wait to see more!

The London bombing bits in Chapter 22 was -painful-, by the way. So well written, but just so difficult to read through. Definitely captured the whole panic/despair/terror England was feeling really well ;;; Actually, the entire phone call with America was even more painful. I was tearing up by the end of the chapter. And poor France too! The bit with him, Poland, Austria and La Marseillaise was super feelsy as well. Separating the eternally bickering rival duo just amped their reader-pain-infliction powers up tenfold each, huh? The beatdowns/tortures - both Poland’s in 21 and France’s in 24 and 25 - were also hard to get through. Especially 25, even when most of the actual violence wasn’t written in. Gosh, that was horrible for the heart.

And America’s appearance…! That also clenched at the heartstrings. As cool as the big living-at-Germany’s-house party's interactions are, I always seem to enjoy the Allied segments more, ehehe. And Switzerland too. Neutrality makes for hilarity because I know he very likely won’t ever get too painfully injured and cause me pain in turn. Though speaking of the big living-at-Germany’s-house party… the interactions between Poland and France were great. Poland in general, in this entire fic, man. I’ve always liked him in Hetalia, and seeing him be the stubborn, silly but still badass-when-he-wants-to-be Nation from the beginning all the way to now made me really happy. And the piano lessons are adorable in their own Austria-and-Poland way.

The 30th chapter was a good way to end my night (at 4am. yeah… I started at… um, maybe 2pm-ish? I don’t do this very often; your fic is that awesome) because of the lesser amounts of pain and greater amounts of humor involved. Poor Rommel, beleaguered by all the silliest nations. His name only rang a faint bell when I first saw it, but after looking him up I think I recall a bit more from the high school history classes of days gone by. He sounds like he was an honorable man.

Anyway, good luck with school and other assorted real life matters! Thank you so much for occupying over half of my day today with what is - and I’m glad to see my opinion formed while reading the first two chapters was completely correct - the best APH fic I’ve ever had the pleasure to read. I’ll be eagerly awaiting any future updates from now on!
BlackTributaries chapter 18 . 2/28/2016
I’ve wanted to say this bit since Chapter 12, but I again held back for a bit because I sort of knew (historically) what kinds of scenes were likely coming up. Anyway, I sort of figure there'll still be more stuff coming up, but I could hold back no longer so here it is. I pretty much love everything about this fic, in case my previous two attempts at coherent reviews hadn’t already summed that up, but my favorite bits are probably France and England’s interactions. Every time the two of them appear together in a scene, I’m guaranteed to be either in stitches or overwhelmed by feels, or both. I can’t decide which moment I like the most - England dumping the pot of tea on France’s head in 12, or the entire Amiens scene in 15, (or heck, the -entirety- of 15, including the parts with Austria and the others), the surprisingly touching boat scene in 17, or the gutwrenchingly serious discussion turned hilariously inappropriate bet on France’s liberation in this chapter. All of them are wonderful.

Like I said before, their banter (and also the actually heartfelt dialogue that comprises the maybe 5% of their time they don't spend bickering) is absolutely amazing, and you guys get their voices down so well I can practically hear the timbre of the Japanese voice actors… only speaking English (and occasionally French). Yes, somehow I can hear that. Their characterizations are just done that well!

Anyway, at some point I’m going to regret tearing through all of the chapters in one go rather than spacing it out, but that point is clearly not now. These reviews are also getting longer as I try and fail to contain my unabashed admiration at this story. Again, I’m sorry for clogging your review window. I’ll likely be back in a few hours! :’D
BlackTributaries chapter 7 . 2/28/2016
At this point I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that I'm going to binge-read and probably finish this over the next few hours, so please bear with my continued screaming for a while. And believe me, I’ve had to hold myself back from reviewing every single chapter, just so I don’t suddenly clog your review page ;;; That said, w/r/t your comment at the end of Chapter 6 - I personally am loving the historical notes. It highlights the research you guys have put into the setting and events, and also allows for someone like me (who hasn't had an intimate relationship with world history since high school and thus doesn’t know all that much about the details of WWII) to easily head to looking stuff up online. The characters and narration are stellar as always - every single one of them is so spot on and the interactions are entertaining and framed so expertly into the real world context at the same time. Overall, much respect! And you'll probably see me again in a few chapters ;w;
BlackTributaries chapter 2 . 2/28/2016
Oh wow, I just started this fic so I thought I'd hold off on reviewing until at least getting through most of the chapters, but I couldn't help myself. This is one of, if not -the- most amazing APH fics I've ever read! Everything from the characterizations, the settings to minor headcanon details about how the personifications work, is absolutely perfect. The France/England allied-frenemy banter is superb as well. And that scene with Poland in the Battle of Wizna... Just, the way you guys expertly balance the seriousness of war with the relative lightheartedness of Hetalia is really a great pleasure to read. Plus the narration is hilarious. I still have 28 chapters to go through, but I'm already hoping that the story will continue beyond that! Keep up the awesome work!
Guest chapter 30 . 1/3/2016
I'm glad I only cracked into this fic over the last few months; it would have been some kind of torture not knowing whether such a fun read would continue.

The characters make this great, and you really do make them your own. I could just barely call myself a Hetalia fan, but after the first chapter of this I knew what to expect from Germany, Prussia, Austria and all the others. That is, hilarity. The running jokes crack me up, and they add something special to a long story like this. The Austro-Prussian War of the Pillow, the Operation Sea Lion drinking game, these sorts of things.

The historical notes for context are written up quite nicely, and your book and music recommendations are especially helpful. Including Erwin Rommel as a foil to the sillier Axis members has been good for a few chuckles. Speaking of humans, Poland's time with Czesław was IMO the best scene of all so far. Maybe this is too optimistic to say, but I hope we'll hear from him again in 1944.

I honestly can't think of anything negative to say, though such a detailed text isn't everyone's cup of tea. It's been a super enjoyable read so far, looking forward to the next bit of it!
Guest chapter 30 . 12/19/2015
Thank god you've finally updated. I was rereading this today and suddenly realized: Hey wait! New stuff! You two have absolutely made my day with this amazing fic. Please continue to update; this is the best historical fic on here (btw, I love your characterization of Germany and everyone else) and I need it continued.
kokokichichi chapter 30 . 11/13/2015
YOU GUYS LIVE! omg how long has it been. Anyway, awesome chapter with lots of historical info as usual. Nice job.

update soon... please?
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