Reviews for The Unknown Secrets
Adventuretime4ever chapter 1 . 11/4/2018
dude I have no idea if you're gonna ever see this again but I was in love with this fic came out and it was one I checked up on for like another year or two,, you always really stuck out in my mind as an author and I hope you're doing good wherever you are now,, if you ever see this I'd love to follow you on instagram or something else
AnonymousStalkerFriend chapter 1 . 9/2/2017
I'm happy to see you've decided to start on this story again! Looking forward to it!
Idalia1 chapter 4 . 9/1/2017
So glad to hear from you again :) hope all is well can't wait to see what comes next :)
MidnightLotus627 chapter 4 . 8/30/2017
I'm so glad you're back and doing better!
Guest chapter 3 . 4/16/2017
BRO WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!? I can't even come to enjoy the story because you started rewriting and never finished. Can you PLEASE just reupload the old one! PLEASE! So we can reread!
Guest chapter 3 . 12/15/2015
Please continue! I read your first take of this story and loved it! Just wanted you to know.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/10/2015
Yesssss! This makes me so happy! Ive been followong it from the beginning and I think this is coming along great! PLEASE CONTINUEEEEE
kawaiiwolvesss chapter 26 . 12/7/2015
Can't wait to see how you revised it!
Julia chapter 25 . 10/6/2015
anom chapter 26 . 7/12/2015
however long it takes I just asked two things one please please please just write a new chapter you don't have to rewrite anything about this story its already great and if you still want to rewrite it just please don't delete the story I hate it when authors just delete their stories and then we can never ever read it again just please don't delete the story! thank you! this story has helped me out so much and to lose it Would hurt me so much and others would miss it too
CallMeBunny chapter 26 . 7/12/2015
I love this story, and I very much understand wanting to rewrite or edit your own story. I hope you do so, and you make it better and to your liking. I just really hope you'll keep updating afterwards, because honestly, I'd re-read the whole story over again, twice.
funky2town chapter 25 . 7/9/2015
Guest chapter 25 . 4/11/2015
You don't have to do any editing on this fic just keep updating! Please please pleeeeeeeeaseee!
Julia chapter 25 . 4/9/2015
If you think that the stories you've written, especially this one, aren't written well, then you're absolutely mistaken. This story is amazing! Please, I know it's asking a lot, but please finish it! So many people have been waiting for so long for your amazing writing! You don't have to edit anything, just continue! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
Guest chapter 25 . 4/9/2015
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