Reviews for In Somno Veritas
Guest chapter 10 . 4/15
This story touched my heart. I really enjoyed the characterization. Thank you.
Guest chapter 10 . 4/8
The very core of my being is shook. This touched my soul.
Birnan Midniht chapter 4 . 10/29/2019
i have no idea if this is going to turn out with an on-the-mend Voldemort or a dead one.

And that Granger incident-Monstrosity. Bloody hell. That poor woman. Imagine going through that. It'd be unbearable, holy shit. Harry has to do something. He's making progress but by George its all luck. Really, if LV doesnt fall hopelessly in love, then Harry is going to have to engineer a Romeo and Juliet (as in: dramatic joint death) to stop this war.
CoboltDragon chapter 10 . 10/5/2019
I just have to say that this fic is absolutely brilliant! Probably the best characterization of Voldemort I have ever read too. Amazing work!
Lizzie's last night chapter 10 . 9/19/2019
Words can't describe how well you did on this story. It was one of the best written stories I have ever read on this site. The connection between the two and Voledmort's transformation was so believable that it could have been canon. You didn't rush it, we truly saw how Voldemort's mind worked and it was amazing. The best rendition of Lord Voldemort I've ever read, guaranteed. Thank you so much for writing this.
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 2 . 6/4/2019
SOoooOo bloody good
582Raven chapter 10 . 3/17/2019
I've finally gotten around to finishing this! Absolutely lovely ending, even if it's a little, okay maybe a lot, open ended. Their relationship is so completely screwed up at times but it always ends well :) I'm really impressed with how they are actually in character and somehow this works beautifully. Definitely has a home in my favorites.
Chaeos chapter 10 . 1/7/2019
Hello !

Wow, at the beginning of my reading I didn't expect it turns so..desperately romantic ! I was also expecting a very bad ending, but I'm glad you didn't choose this way ! I also really like your Voldemort, it wasn't OOC and I hope that I could do the same in my own story, but it is not easy at all ! I'm sorry if my review is a bit confuse, english isn't my mother language ( I didn't understand all the subtleties of your writing but it was enriching !)

Thank you for this beautiful story,
Megatron'sPetDragon chapter 10 . 6/25/2018
I really loved this story. And I am so happy that love each other, finally, after all their confusion and conflicts.
Lor-tan chapter 10 . 5/18/2018
Great goddesses of Hyrule and above, this was fantastic. This whole thing. Fantastc. THANK YOU.
demonkatgurl17 chapter 10 . 4/25/2018
This was a beautiful way to end this gorgeous piece. I still wished to see Snape's reaction to Harry running away with Voldemort, but i liked this hopeful, ambiguous ending. Having him actually produce a patronus of his own was genius and i loved the change in Harry's as well. This was so artful and detailed, bringing together canon and your original plot so beautifully that it's almost shameful to think of the books as they are when we could have had something so much more epic. I enjoyed every chapter, thank you so much for putting so much time and effort into this lovely work! 333
demonkatgurl17 chapter 8 . 4/24/2018
Jesus that was intense. Loved the bit where Harry sucked that thing back where it came from, and everyone was there watching it all. Kinda wished Snape had been there for it all, that would have been priceless to see his face when Harry kissed and hugged Voldemort. I'm not sure what he did to Snape at the end there, but i guess we'll see.
demonkatgurl17 chapter 7 . 4/24/2018
Holy shit! I thought last chapter was wild with the wand snapping and Nagini attacking Harry, but this one beat it with the field trip to Ollivanders and having Harry's own wand able to fix what he'd done was a trip, and then their interactions with each other in front of Ollivander with Harry doing his best to keep shit cool as he fuckin calms down a veritable tornado like he's his handler just wow...3
demonkatgurl17 chapter 2 . 4/23/2018
Holy shit this story is so awesome and I'm only 2 chapters in! The rawness in Voldemort's reactions to Harry's proximity and gentleness is so visceral and hypnotic that i can't help but watch their little trainwreck as it hurtles towards a crash.
magpica chapter 1 . 3/29/2018
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