Reviews for Ruby's scars
bestroreedus88 chapter 4 . 11/20/2014
Aw, i wish it was updated, even if i was a little late reading it, my apologies, I hope you do update. I'm drawn in to it. :)
WaterWarrior6 chapter 4 . 4/10/2014
I love Olivia and Fin, so I hope that they come in later :)
Ruby's past is perfect for an S.V.U episode. As I was reading it I could just picture her telling her story to Olivia. Maybe she could have spoken to the S.V.U deppartment in the past about her abuse or her dad and they see each other in the street while she's with Derek. That sounds a little bit cruel but it would be an awesome way for Derek and Ruby to talk about what happened to them because they pick up on some small hints.
WaterWarrior6 chapter 3 . 4/10/2014
I'm really happy you updated again. Kind of creepy because I reread this story just a few days ago because I was in a Derek Lord mood :) You must have known lol.
I hope that Derek and Ruby will be able to tell each other a bit about their real pasts. It doesn't have to be like in the next chapter or anything and I'm not expecting them to go into full detail. But maybe just a brief description about it. To me it seems like things are a little tense between them.
WaterWarrior6 chapter 2 . 2/24/2013
I'm glad that there is another Derek Lord story up. I really like the story so far, please update soon :)
gurl3677 chapter 2 . 2/21/2013
holy hell! that first kiss was so hot! Ah yeah! this story is pretty good! you are a very good writer! you hooked me here! i love finding another norman reedus fan!
gurl3677 chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
wait, remember that derek was a rockstar so he didnt need 15 mins of fame.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/10/2013
Kudos for Law and Order but what does that have to do with SVU?