Reviews for Four's A Crowd
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
Very funny.
ValiantArcher chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
Oh my, this was cute and very funny. I loved Ori being so dedicated to his book and trying to prove greens poisonous, and Fili's dramatic take on everything. I also like the little note about the dwarves celebrating this huge holiday without really having a good grasp on the origins. ;)) Nice work. :)
The North Wyn chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
This is hysterical and adorable! There are so many great lines and I definitely could see this happening. I couldn't possibly share all the lines that I loved, but here are a few of my favorites: "Ori tried to make himself scarce, reading through a herbology book that Nori had gifted him (though strangely, the title page was addressed to another) and Ori tried to reassure himself Nori still remembered his name. At the current moment, he was determined to prove to Dori that green things not only tasted icky but were bad for a dwarfling's health. He had already come across two green plants that were poisonous and he was absolutely sure this was not a coincidence." "Fili had a newly-discovered talent for oratory which would serve him well if Dwalin and Thorin would let him live to be King." "Gimli didn't quite know what to do and settled for running back and forth."

Poor little Ori, so concerned about everything. I hope his book wasn't completely ruined! And that ending with Fili carrying in Kili ("like the hero of an epic saga") is absolute gold. Thanks for sharing! This is going on my favorites list. :)
ryouko70 chapter 1 . 2/11/2013
My sides are hurting! One of the funniest ones I've read!
Purestrongpoem chapter 1 . 2/10/2013
Funny story.