Reviews for Trixie's True Feelings
Drea F chapter 1 . 4/14
Love it! Keep doing what you are doing and don't change a thing!
Epilogue chapter 1 . 2/22/2019
Several days later, Timmy thanked Trixie for turning her around. "I'm gonna tell you why you should change your ways. I want a girl who's got positive personality Lots of women who said the same thing to ex-boyfriends what I said now." "I didn't know that, Timmy." "Now you know, Trixie." said Timmy.
Super Mario chapter 1 . 8/31/2016
This was the very first story I read that got me interested in reading other fanfics to this day i know Trixie is in love with Timmy like how Timmy is in love with Trixie but because of those stupid popular kids and popularity she feels forced to hide her feelings for him ignore and being mean to him I know Trixie is a far better and nicer person then tad Chad and Veronica will ever be for one Trixie wants to have friends that like her for who is and be able to do fun things that other boys can do when u don't feel restricted to popularity in my opinion Timmy is the one true friend Trixie ever has I hope at some point she finally realizes that she doesn't need to be popular to be happy she has Timmy to keep keep her happy and treat her like a real friend would she should leave tad Chad and Veronica go with Timmy the boy she loves since day 1 with him by her side I know he will treat her right and help Trixie make good and better friends ones that allow her to be her true self and be kind and nice there
Brian chapter 1 . 6/11/2016
I hope this happens in the show...
TheGoldenYoshichu chapter 1 . 5/15/2015
This was sweet. Timmy and Trixie are cute together. I liked the way Trixie stood up to Veronica and how she gave up her popularity for Timmy. Great work.

TIMMY chapter 1 . 8/16/2013
Guest chapter 1 . 6/25/2013
That is so romantic.
Wishmaker1028 chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
What a great one shot! I loved it! Glad Timmy finally got Trixie!
Tolerance chapter 1 . 2/23/2013
You must like timmy x trixie lol
biginferno chapter 1 . 2/13/2013
this was perfect I hope maybe in the future you will consider doing a many chapter story of timmy and trixie and their love for each other it could start where this story left off at