Reviews for Daylight
dwatlaskrhtcm chapter 1 . 2/25/2014
Aw,so cute and sad ! I love it though ! ( Not like in a mean way though if that makes sense?) :-D , Well Done And Thanks .
PassionatelyHiddlestoned chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
I CRIED SO HARD this is amazing 3
Itachi-Uchiha-lover chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
It's so sweet, but then sad when you think about it. This was very well written. Great work.
IKnowAlma chapter 1 . 5/26/2013
I don't normally go for OC fics but this is really cute. It seems quite plausible actually and I love the mix of the honourable, courageous Captain Nicholls with a cute, sweet side that is very realistically woven. The sap in me really enjoyed reading this. It is wonderfully written. Thanks for the squishy feels overload.
A. Hatter.
bella chapter 1 . 3/26/2013
aw this was beautiful, i loved it !
lumos maximas chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
What a lovely oneshot! :) It was very sweet yet with a underlying sadness as well. Now whenever I'll hear that song by Maroon 5, I shall immediately think of James Nicholls :')

Thank you for such a great read!
x-The Devil's Advocate-x chapter 1 . 2/14/2013
Wow! I enjoyed this a LOT! I actually haven't seen War Horse and don't know anything about it, but this was amazingly well written. The descriptions were vivid and definitely painted a picture in my mind. :) There was the perfect amount of sweetness and smut in this. Hehe, I loved the ending bit where James pretended to need directions to Barbary lane to get to talk to Georgiana. xD Great job on this! You're an amazing writer.
Why so Sirius1236 chapter 1 . 2/14/2013
read this on my iPod an hour or so ago.

Can I just say "Awwwww!" ? haha I loved this. It was so sweet and loving but with a nice and dark undertone to it. I never really thought of James as a married man in the movie but this was such a cute little insight to his character from a family standpoint.

You have succeeded in giving me a dose of feels. Thank you! You have reawakened my love for the character that is Captain Nicholls. xD Off to work on my own fic now...

lulu chapter 1 . 2/13/2013
this was really cute and yet so sad because we know what happens to James :'( and there was a baby too! *sobs* I liked this, well done :)