Reviews for s e n s e s
HolyBanana chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
This story of yours deserves more love, to be honest. I like your writing style- You use pronouns more than nouns- which surprisingly fits this story and its plot. You deserve an award for this masterpiece. This is one of my favorite one-shots, despite the suggestive themes. This story made me like Kaito x Rin. Good job on this wonderful one-shot!
S.A chapter 1 . 8/16/2013
I ABSOLUTLY LOVE THISSSS IT'S WONDERFULLY HOT AND PASSIONEF, BUTTER AND SWEET AND JUST SO CUTE! I was sad at first thinking it'd end badly but at the end and how you ended it I THANK YOU! THIS WAS SOO AWSOME! XD
sakura.haruno.love58 chapter 1 . 7/18/2013
*serious face* ok so I wanted to say a few words... *blushes and giggles like a small school girl* eeekkkkkkkk! It was so good I blushed at the lemon(s?) Every time ! Good job!
bakaitorin chapter 1 . 4/27/2013
so romantic!please make one like this that is not involving lemons.
Case-Chan chapter 1 . 4/10/2013
Omg this is so wonderful, thank you for this, no really thank you; this is so beautifully written and just amazing.
mugichoco chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
I don't usually read male/female, but I have to say, I love your style. It had me hooked from beginning to end, and the descriptions were especially tasty. It helps that KaiRin is one of my favorite ships. I had this big grin on my face when I got to the end... Needless to say, you've just earned yourself a favorite.

(Also, don't worry about accuracy. There's no canon in Vocaloid anyway!)
Postquam est chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
Yayy you finished. I was a little busy until now but I've finally sat down and read it all and I enjoyed it very thoroughly (especially that first kiss ehehe)

Let's see...there were a couple of pronoun problems (using he instead of she, his instead of hers) so I'd just be careful about that in the future since you tend to use pronouns a lot more than names.

I've decided you're very good at using words to create a mood throughout the story...just the way all the words work together to create a feeling within the reader that changes with the characters' development. It's a good skill to have, in my opinion.

I'd say your weakest point is just being confusing sometimes when there's dialogue or, again, excessive pronouns. Obviously adding "-name- says" after every quote could take away from the effect of your story with the sense-based storyline, but it did get confusing at points.

I did like the dialogue; I've always been a firm believer that dialogue can carry a story further than any adjectives can, and I think the first conversation-the one with Len-is the best conversation, because I could follow it easily and it gave me some real-time characterizations to connect with (I guess it's sort of like hearing about a person and then meeting them for the first time in person, y'know?) But after that conversation, I had to read the other conversations a couple times each to understand who said what.

With that all said, you once again executed a wonderful story, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you. I think you captured each character just fine-I believe that as long as the author is consistent about the characterizations, anything goes for Vocaloids. I think the transition from friends with benefits to lovers was very cute, and I was definitely rooting for it at the end. Good job!
Unusedaccountcausenodelete chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
Awww so cute! I love how well the ending ties in with the beginning !