Reviews for Basalit-an
Le chapter 16 . 2/19
This story was everything I hoped for and more! It is also my first official DA fanfic I've read so kudos to you guys!
Guest chapter 16 . 9/9/2015
Awesome, I liked how shifty Elthina was (untrustworthy cow)
Valerie Michaelis chapter 16 . 8/19/2015
seriously the most interesting DA fic ive read.
Alpenwolf chapter 16 . 11/12/2014
This certainly was a very intriguing story and I'm clearly happy that the Arishok and Hawke are somewhat together, not in our, human, meaning of the way, but more the qunlat(?) meaning of that word. When in the game I had to fight the Arishok I was like "But I don't want to kill you!", it saddened me that he had given me no choice but to kill him, even though I could clearly understand his reasoning, but I had no choice but to kill him. It continued to sadden me and so I thank you three or is it better four? for sharing this story with us. It certainly eases my heart a bit, to see that he can get a happy ending.
Barleyguy chapter 15 . 10/30/2014
I have the faintest idea that you did not care for aveline? I didn't either but I'm just curious. The last few chapters have been amazing, your depiction of hawke is an extremely solid character, never contradicting herself, her strength, her willingness to submit to the qun, I am loving this fanfiction. The research you must've done to write this is amazing. And the way you took the canon and made it go your own way is awesome. Gonna finish the last chapter so. Keep updating eh.
Barleyguy chapter 7 . 10/30/2014
I found this in another authors favorites, and was immediately floored at the names of the characters involved, suffice to say I am freaking loving this, the thought you and the others who helped write it, into the qun, and the qunari way of life is amazing. It also throws DA2 in a different light for me. Loving this and as I always say at the end of a review. Keep updating eh.
Vanessa Masters chapter 16 . 5/5/2014
Oh my, the last part.

So possessive, and romantic...for a Qunari. XD

Loved this, it was gorgeous!
Vanessa Masters chapter 15 . 5/5/2014
Oh wow. Intense battle, too bad about Aveline, but she was clouded.
Author-Of-Sin chapter 16 . 12/18/2013
Well, I must say, this has been an interesting journey!
Here I was, expecting some slightly modified game run-through; instead, you throw me for a complete loop and took me on a trip through a very fascinating AU! I am impressed.
I rather liked the story, the characters seemed in character for the most part. I wasn't exactly sure about Hawke at first, but that's probably just my own play style preferences colliding with this Hawke's personality.
Very interesting tale, all in all.
Kawaiibentou chapter 16 . 11/15/2013
Great story. I really enjoyed it
Adventfather chapter 16 . 11/14/2013
This was everything I expected, and more. I admit I was on the fence about how you all would approach characterizing the Arishok but it was done in a believable and in depth way that pleasantly surprised me. My only complaint is that it wasn't any longer!

Thanks for creating this, I really enjoyed myself reading your story.
Elenielwen chapter 16 . 11/6/2013
You know, when I saw this story I was like " yeah right, the Arishok and Hawke, that can't be any good,it's TOO far-fetched". Then I decided to read it "just because", and more and more I fell into its pace and caught myself more than once saying "omg, really?! That's brilliant!". Then I put this story up on my facebook, linking to you guys, telling all my friends how well written it is, how canon the characters' feel and that it feels like its written 'realistically' - and by that I mean that it feels like Bioware themselves might just as well have written this! HUUUUUUUMONGOUS credit to you guys! I hope you will continue this 'Arishok saga'!
Redglade chapter 3 . 9/11/2013
You've got the Saarabas and the Templar mages on one side, and you can't but wonder if their imprisonment isn't just a bit much. But on the other side you've got the Tevinter mages that prove that if give people power, the majority will misuse it. It's so damn conflicting.
Redglade chapter 2 . 9/11/2013
Sneaky Arishok! I'm not sure that Hawke would appreciate finding out that the Arishok is considering how she might be most useful ( and that none of the uses involve her and that giant hulk of man in a more private setting). Seriously, I do like the Arishok's thought processes here. The Qunari have a purpose for everyone, and if he wasn't considering how to put her to use, if he right off the bat wanted to jump her, it wouldn't be realistic, and would detract from the story.
Redglade chapter 1 . 9/11/2013
Oh, this is well-done, and an excellent starting point! And if Hawke wasn't thinking those exact same things in the game, then she is a silly, silly girl. I'd sop the Arishok up with a biscuit.
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