Reviews for Warrior Princess
Evanescentfacade chapter 7 . 9/25/2011
Queerquail chapter 2 . 8/9/2003
can u PLEASE put some paragraphs in it? I'm not even gonna read it
The Lady of the Willows chapter 7 . 1/11/2003
Update! More of Kat and I vote Kat/Kaddar!
Lady Arabian Knight chapter 7 . 10/18/2002
this is a very good story! Please update soon! I love it! PLease write more! I would love to read what happenes next!
Sindhu815 chapter 1 . 8/25/2002
I really like it. It is something totally different. Put up the next chapter soon!
Larzdinn chapter 6 . 8/21/2002
I am utterly confused about the whole Cat/Kaddar/Rahj thing... The Test was interesting, and it was funny how much Cat enjoyed proving all the people who made bets wrong. As usual, I'm looking forward to the next chapter... Till next time, -Edi
Lovely Little Muse chapter 6 . 8/20/2002
Hey, another great chapter! I like the idea of Cat ending up with Kaddar, but I like Rahj, too... I'm looking forward to reading the rest and seeing what happens!
Larzdinn chapter 5 . 8/18/2002
Parija's a cool name for Cat's country/island. I like :) The chapter had a lot of romance, but I didn't think it was *that* sappy. Maybe just a little bit ;D It was good, though. The next chapter's bound to be interesting - what with the test and perhaps even Cat's choice. I don't know who I'd choose, Rahj or Kaddar, but I'm sure you know who Cat's going to choose! I liked this chapter (Dimitri is my favorite character now!), and I'm looking forward to chapter 6. Peace, love, and blueberry jello, -Edi
Mageye chapter 5 . 8/18/2002
please write more soon!If u can make it so the planning of taking back her home is filled with romance from kaddar and rahj. and then wen evrything is finally settled and she rules her homemake her choose between them but still friends with who she dosnt luck on writing!
Shy chapter 5 . 8/18/2002
wow... such a great story... I can't wait for more. _
Lovely Little Muse chapter 4 . 8/16/2002
Wonderful chapter! I can't wait to read what happens next, so make sure to keep posting!
Shy chapter 4 . 8/16/2002
OMG! I love it! I love it! I love it! I will not be able to sleep until I read the next chapter! (does a little dance) oh yeah! I'm high on fanfiction! (sigh) I really need a life... ;)
Larzdinn chapter 4 . 8/15/2002
awww...Rahj and Cat were so cute! :) hehe...I think you captured Numair's personality well! I liked this chapter very much, and can't wait until the next. 'til then, -Edi
Michelle searchn4somethinmore-just too lazy to login lol chapter 3 . 8/14/2002
well, u asked me to take a look at ur fic, so i did, and i really love it! rahj (sp?) seems so sweet. but poor cat, losing her family all at once like that. that was so sad!

please update soon, i'd like to see where this goes.


btw-im glad u liked my fic! thats one of the best reviews i've gotten. it made me blush lol
Larzdinn chapter 3 . 8/14/2002
Awwww... cute chapter. I'm loving this story so far! Interesting plot, a lot of original characters :) And Emperor Kaddar - one of my favorite characters in the TP books! Yay! Do write more (hopefully soon) _~
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