Reviews for Let Me Be Good to You
RoseQuartz1 chapter 1 . 2/9/2014
KKotss chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
hehe poor poor remy .
BlatantBookworm chapter 1 . 3/9/2013
XD This is awesome, as always.

Sorry I didn't get a chance to review earlier. IRL has been very distracting, so...

Poor Remy. I kinda knew it wasn't real at about the point where Rogue started singing, so... poor Remy. I feel sorry for when he wakes up.
Spirit of the Th chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
So FUNNY! Can you do a fix on the xmens reaction to the tapes the acolytes keep sending them?
superkim111 chapter 1 . 3/1/2013
Two of my favorite cartoons in one story. I am well pleased.
JJ24 chapter 1 . 2/20/2013
Great and funny story I loved it can not wait for more
Hmmm I do wonder how Remy will react
Pyro:Remy you aren't really mad are you
Remy: Remy isn't mad
Mastermind: nice going pyro now you got him really ticked off
Sabretooth:If firebug hadn't destroyed our black mail we wouldn't be in this mess
Pyro: It isn't my fault mags has a pit of acid is storage room 143
Mastermind: The pit which we are currently hanging over now
Remy:Gambit will have vengeance (holding a charged card to the ropes holding them over the acid)
Pryo: Mastermind why don't you just use your illusions to get us out of here
Mastermind:Pyro you just had your monthly good idea
( 20 minutes later in storage room 67)
Sabretooth:why are we hiding here again
Mastermind:Reny is dangerous now we need to wait till he cools down
Sabretooth: wait where is pyro
Mastermind: I left with Remy
Sabretooth: Oh to keep Remy occupied huh
Mastermind: that and I am annoyed with him torching my megaman comics
Pyro: Heeeeeeeeelp no Remy not that please noooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Great story and
Sporks chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
I keep hearing this song play in strange places, and now someone has finally put it to good use! Is it weird that I can ACTUALLY picture Rogue singing like that? She'd have to be very drunk, of course, or in an alternate universe...oh. That gives me an interesting idea...
Seriously though, you are the BEST. You write the funniest stories! Oh, Gambit's gonna be mad once he's back in the world of the sane...
Red Witch chapter 1 . 2/19/2013
Oh I love some good ol' Gambit torture! Hope Rogue gets to see a copy! Love it!
Sonar chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
2290 chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
haha! I thought he wasn't dreaming! I'm all like woah
Anoymous136 chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
I figured it was a dream/illusion, but that's hilarious. Keep writing. Hilarious! And "homina…" I was ROFLing!
Chellerbelle chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha. At first I was thinking that Rogue had acquired herself a fascinating new hobby and then you hit us with the twist. Comedy gold, my friend, comedy gold.

I think the comic writers have forgotten about Remy's resistance to telepathy, personally. There hasn't been any mention of it in years.
xmenfan33 chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
hehehe.. that was funny! He going to be so mad when he wakes up:)