Reviews for Like the Dust
CubbiesFan1 chapter 13 . 2/6/2017
Nice to see an update here. Enjoying this so far. I do have some questions and some theories, but I'll keep those to myself and wait to see how this plays out.

I can see Jonny holding on to the information about Jessie out of respect for her and her situation, but I would think he'd eventually come clean. Not only are her "abilities" concerning to the boys, but so should her attitude be as well. I understand she's been through a horrific and traumatic experience, but I think she's stronger than this. I guess I'll have to wait for the next update and see.

And what's up with this Sampson guy? Is Race going to try to track him down eventually?
Casperace13 chapter 12 . 12/15/2016
I've been following this story from the beginning, and I'm so glad you are still posting stuff. Can't wait for more.
Goddess Evie chapter 12 . 12/13/2016
A low-key chapter, just like you said. But I liked the exchange between Benton and Jonny. It was sweet. And it shows both the depth of feelings Benton has for his son as well as what Jonny feels for Jessie.

Jessie may have come across as harsh, but what she said needed to be heard by both her parents. They want to treat her as fragile. Wrap her up and never let her out of their sight. But they have to realize she can't live like that.

And Race and Estella definitely needed to hash out what they hashed out. But are they headed back to Rockport already? Don't they have a mystery to solve still in Prague?

Like who was that guy and why would he target the Quest kids? The explanation seems just a little too pat. I'm worried.

Hope to read a new chapter soon!
jdcocoagirl chapter 12 . 12/12/2016
wow... i like all the needed vent in clearing all their insecurities and needed to know more about themselves
Goddess Evie chapter 11 . 11/26/2016
I'm so glad Jessie got a little reprieve from her drama and trauma. It didn't last long, but she sure needed it. And I just love Jonny and Hadji. Acting like themselves. Putting no pressure on Jessie. Those two are the best.

But that bubble popped all too quickly. The realities of being internationally famous bearing down on her. And that memory! Woah! Again, not a whole lot on detail, but definitely a breakthrough of some kind.

And finally the shooter. Anders showed that though he's green, he's well-trained. And Jonny was his usual impulsive self. But Jessie. Kick ass, girl! And yet, obviously by Jonny's words, that's better skills than she had previous to her abduction, so besides raping her, what else was Sampson doing with/to her?

Can't wait for another chapter!
Fruitjerky chapter 11 . 11/25/2016
I want to say that chapter was worth waiting for, but if be afraid to encourage the updates to remain infrequent. It. Is. Torture! This story is to well written for you to torment us this way! I was physically tensed through all the action. Please post again soon!
Aldrean Treu Peri chapter 10 . 10/24/2016
It makes perfect sense that Jessie would be self-deprecating at the moment, and into the foreseeable future as well. Everyone has numerous internal demons to battle in this story, aside from the very real enemies that they must face as well. Character growth takes time and painful effort - but you're moving the story along at an appropriately sedate pace. Truly, even though getting the girl back would seem like the ideal happy ending, there is much that is still wrong and must be fixed with time and patience. Loving it, as always.
Fruitjerky chapter 10 . 10/23/2016
I just started this story last night and stayed up way too late catching up! I'm glad to hear you're almost done writing it because the suspense is killing me!
jdcocoagirl chapter 10 . 10/22/2016
this is the first time dr. quest shown his real emotion. i cannot wait how this will affect them all.
Goddess Evie chapter 10 . 10/22/2016
Filler chapters can be a trial, but you wrote this one splendidly. Jessie's moment of trauma was real and very well written. I was afraid for her the moment the soldiers asked to search them. It's a very real reminder of what Jessie has gone through, even if she can't remember it.

And I loved the Benton/Alena scene. It was great. Those two could definitely be turned into their own little romance, and I'm not sure if you are hinting at that here, but even without the romance, they are just lovely friends. It's nice Benton has someone he can vent to and it's nice Alena would do that for him.

A sweet chapter. Can't wait for what's coming up next!
MovieGal007 chapter 9 . 10/17/2016
Really good, one of the best I've read in a long time
Aldrean Treu Peri chapter 9 . 8/31/2016
I remain intrigued with this tale! :-D
Goddess Evie chapter 9 . 8/18/2016
One more thing for the family to juggle. This they don't need, but Benton is a good soul and he can't say no to people in trouble if he can help. I'm afraid something else is going to go down in Prague. Guh, this seems like a terrible omen.

I'm so worried about Jessie, especially the way she's reacting to Race. I'm afraid Sampson has programmed something into her subconscious that's causing the reaction so she can't control it, no matter how much she may want to. Just another layer of revenge from that terrible man. Poor Jessie has been through so much already, and has so much to look forward to as her memories return and she relives it all, that she doesn't need this too.

Great chapter. Looking forward to another one!
CubbiesFan1 chapter 9 . 8/8/2016
Interesting stuff. I may have to go back and reread some of the earlier chapters as I'm a little confused about Race's extreme hatred towards Bennett. I understand the whole thing with Sampson, but why is he taking that out on his former SEAL Commander?
RRL24 chapter 9 . 8/8/2016
So glad to see an update on this story, and even happier that Jessie is starting to vocalize her needs. I can't wait to see where this leads.
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