Reviews for Konoha College
CrimsonxXxRabbit chapter 10 . 11/1/2013
I can understand how school can intervene on fanfiction. In my opinion it sucks :( I really love this story and I hope you can update :'(
yumenohime-sama chapter 10 . 8/28/2013
you actually have nice story here. But it seemed you went to fast with the story. Maybe if you can slow down the pace a bit so we-the readers-can catch up with what happened with Naruto, like the story before he's 16, what happened in the college, and all. Anyway, goodluck for your college life! :D hope to see you update this story again!
demonsnight chapter 9 . 6/19/2013
Nicely done! Hmmm how can u not know what's wrong with the plane tho? Surely there's got to be some sign
cupcake552214 chapter 9 . 5/21/2013
This is a REALLY good story, please finish it. I can't wait much long. it's so good. :)
lermia chapter 9 . 5/14/2013
what happened oh no cant wait to read more
darkhuntressxir chapter 9 . 5/11/2013
what happen.. no.. stop torturing naruto...
AiMila chapter 8 . 4/13/2013
Omg! What will happen next?! Will naruto have time to recover for a while or will shanks keep tormenting him even in prision?!
Stay tune and wait for what the chapter will reavil!
lermia chapter 8 . 4/13/2013
oh wow. poor naruto. cant wait for next update. this was a good chapter
AiMila chapter 7 . 4/3/2013
Omg! Is he gonna say kabuto?! Omg! What will happen in the next chapter? Will our heroes save our favorite blond?! Stay tune for the next chapter of konoha college!
Raven Halley chapter 7 . 4/2/2013
damn it!
no cliffhanger!
grrrr, i need to know what happens next.
its was getting so good. :)
lermia chapter 7 . 4/2/2013
ohh wow suspense lol. cant wait to see what's next.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/28/2013
Narutos new life is full of love and confort! It is time forhim to be happy...aleluya! May this moment of glory remain! Amen!
shadowpen55 chapter 6 . 3/28/2013
Poor naruto T_T.. Glad dat bitch shank is gone.
Raven Halley chapter 6 . 3/28/2013
awwww poor naru-chan.
lermia chapter 6 . 3/28/2013
holy crap yess! finally got him. Muhahaha
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