Reviews for Earthbound Spirit
Sammy M chapter 21 . 7/1
I was hoping that during COVID-19 you could be able to finish your story. I know that sounds demanding and rude, but I can assure you that is not the case. I just really enjoyed this story so far and I think it would be wonderful if you could go back and finish it. I also just want to say that you have made the best book I have read in the past 14 years. I think it would be wonderful if you could finish.
Thank You So Much3
BamboozledChickadee chapter 1 . 4/13
This will always be one of my favorite Danny Phantom and Teen Titans fic. I remember when this still received updates, and I'll still hold out hope that someday you'll come back to this. As such, I would recommend this fic to anyone looking for this type of fic. Keep writing, and shine like the great author you are.
SparkleSeas chapter 20 . 3/9
I’m so so sad this stories probably never going to be updated. It was one of the first quality fics ice ever read, and even though it’ll never be finished I still make it a point to re-read it every so often. This comment will mark my... 6th I think? Time reading this amazing story.
ghostboy1225 chapter 20 . 1/29
thanks for both the boy with the bleached hair and earthbound spirit. some of my favorite DP crossovers have come from you. this is probably the one TT crossover i can really recall off the top of my head. and while your DPXBleach work is much shorter it is still very memorable.
Cyber Geist chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
I will legit pay twenty five dollars just to see the end of this! Please! Please! pleeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee! Post The next chapter TragicHero! Pleaaaaaasssssseeeeeee!
Cyber Geist chapter 21 . 12/28/2019
When will the next chapter be out? I literally cannot survive without the next chapter!
The Dark Imperial chapter 21 . 10/27/2019
after 4-5 years as much as I hate to say it I don't think this will be updated. at the least I hope someone manages to contact you and get permission to update this again or takes it upon himself to finish it himself
Mark the Mark chapter 19 . 5/11/2019
SlugBear chapter 21 . 3/1/2019
Damn. I loved this! It was really enjoyable and I couldn't sleep till I finished it!
Frick. It's like 3 in the morning, I gotta slee ep. FRick
PhantomBrat chapter 21 . 1/22/2019
I do so hope you can find a way to get this WONDEROUS story updated soon. I have thoroughly enjoyed what you have posted but have now completed reading the current chapters that you had written before.

Jasmine-Fox chapter 6 . 12/10/2018
Is Danny blind on one of his eyes? We know his left eye has a scar and the other is covered but is it because he's blind on the right side?
Guest chapter 21 . 11/22/2018
Overall this is one of my favorite fanfics
MindForgedMan chapter 19 . 10/31/2018
I'm out. This is just all over the place and has inconsistent world building. For any who check the reviews first, a warning. This story likes to pretend that it has a powerful Danny by having characters say he isOh he beat the Ghost King by himself!while constantly making him lose to weak opponents, or people who have no business hurting him at all, because "Oops I had a stupid moment". If that annoys you, this story will annoy you.

It's disappointing because in other ways this story had a lot going for it. Even ignoring the weird way in which you get Danny out of Amity Park and his different characterization, the interactions between Danny and the Titans is pretty fun. The writing was pretty good and certainly helped me stick around as long as I did despite my previous negative reviews. But then you quickly realize this is literally just repeating the story of Teen Titans with a miniscule amount of difference by adding the occasional input from Danny. All of the Titans story so far has been exactly the same, Danny hasn't changed anything up to chapter 19. And that's a sign that the author either decided they wanted "Teen Titans but Danny is also there" or they couldn't come up with original story elements and so all they could do was parrot the show. I can't go on, sorry if this annoys anyone.
MindForgedMan chapter 17 . 10/31/2018
Ok, I know some might think I'm hate reading, but I am enjoying this. But the your do things that make no sense at all. You wrote that Danny was intangible and then immediately afterward he is affected by a nerve agent. That's nonsensical, it would go right through him. It's like you can't decide on whether or not Danny is powerful or not, nor when certain rules apply.
MindForgedMan chapter 7 . 10/31/2018
You were doing fine until you introduced Slade and made him that strong when he's no where near that. I really did decide to give the another chance, thinking I was being harsh. Turns out I wasn't. What a let down.
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