Reviews for Of Gods And Men
Guest chapter 17 . 7/20
The names of characters can't be change, in your case you simple ignore the gramatical error plus give a shit what the names of potions you write. That really make the story bad
Guest chapter 24 . 7/5
This got dumb
paddybee chapter 17 . 6/30
iemanharris93 chapter 1 . 5/28
I don't normally write bad reviews b and I honestly like some of your other fics but this one is quite possibly one of the least believable ones I have ever read. I never figured you for a sexist but this fic has a lot of sexist undertones to it when it comes to Harry's interaction with female characters in the story. Another point of note is the frankly disturbing way you have used underage sex and other nasties. Over all this is terrible. You can and have done better.
taxzombie chapter 25 . 3/23
I had totally forgotten the Greek gods part of this until you revived it in the prior chapter.

All and all another pleasing read. Not all that detailed, which is fine, I can handle either kind, the ones that go one for chapters about a single day/week or ones that just chug along.

A good, journeyman's tale. By that I mean, not a classic, but one that is well worth the time to read it.
A solid investment of reading time. I leave it feeling satisfied. Thank you for writing it.
taxzombie chapter 2 . 3/22
I don't normally post reviews every chapter, or every other chapter. But this one seems to call for one.
It gives a good solid base to what I expect will follow. As I said in a prior post for another of your tales, it flows well.

While it appears you are not into writing 'epics' (100K - 200k) in the few stories of your's I've read so far I've found, that at least in my opinion, you have created good, solid stories, while they may not be very detailed, that is not always the mainstay of a tale.

For me it IS the flow, how the tale progresses, is there enough detail to make it interesting (yes) does it keep my interest, (yes) and finally, can I believe in the characters as presented (yes).

I've no doubt each reader has a personal vision of how Harry looks, sounds, etc, along with the rest of the characters. I know I do. For me Ron will almost always be a git, Dumbledore a MOB, Snape a useless waste of flesh (or ink, lol) but I can live with changes in that and have found some tales where 180 changes in personalities have worked.

I like what I've read of your postings and over the next few days/weeks I will be working my way through them. I expect it will be a most enjoyable journey.
taxzombie chapter 1 . 3/22
Interesting start, mixing Greek mythology with HP, loved the VIVA Revolution from one of the fates, that was a hoot!

Look forward to seeing exactly where you took this.
DOS73 chapter 25 . 3/3
Thank you for writing this story I quite enjoyed it. I especially like the last two chapters they put a smile on my face. Keep up the great work.
nocie chapter 25 . 12/26/2019
Kai chapter 17 . 10/10/2019
Wow. You have quite some non-canon names (the Grey Lady's name's Helena, Helena Ravenclaw, and Angus Crabbe is named Vincent. There's absolutely NO reason to change them in this story. And ZEUS is ZEUS, funnily enough). Generally speaking I like the story. I even overlooked "Scrigmore", which is not the same as "Scrimgeour". But those 100,000 dollars are too much. I'll have a quick peek into your profile, and I expect to see a little US flag there. *pause* Okay, no flag at all. But wherever you're from, honestly, dollars? Galleons, perhaps?
Khatix chapter 1 . 10/1/2019
"eighteen month old" sigh, i see this a LOT in FF, in canon and in their fics Harry was born July 31st thus making him FIFTEEN months old NOT EIGHTEEN on Halloween aka Oct 31st.
Guest chapter 14 . 9/16/2019
Wait, Harry has a good point. Why the fuck does everyone immediately assume Harry was responsible for the basilisk when Hermione is the one literally riding it into the Hall. Stop injecting shit into your story that has Harry whipped by Hermione, Padma, or other females.

Also, you have a major problem with consistency. You had Harry extremely wise, sharp, mature, and intelligent one moment, then you have him act like a stuttering idiot the next. You change the whims of your story for no reason other than to promote your crap humor and make Harry more whipped to women. Because lord forbid, you can't have males being too good, right? Asshole.
Guest chapter 19 . 9/8/2019
Right, because Harry wouldn't be honorable, right? It would take genital mutilation (which you disgustingly joke about) to make him do what Hermione commands. Reverse the genders. Does that still sound good?

You sexist piece of shit.
gginsc chapter 25 . 8/16/2019
This story started off good, but ended badly. I could take, but didn't like, the overpowered Harry. However, he killed everyone too easily and too soon. After the deaths (especially of Dumbledork and Voldy), the story became a teenage sex fantasy. Very disappointing.
gginsc chapter 15 . 8/16/2019
Aren't these twelve year olds? What is up with all the sex? It is really pervy!
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