Reviews for A Birthday Gift: For the Seasons Trilogy
DevoutOfSheogorath chapter 1 . 5/10/2014
You going to do a welcome-back-to-life-party?
magicalandinactive chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
Hah, this was great! Lots of fun. :)
BrunetteAuthorette99 chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
Sweet Sheogorath's socks, it was wonderful to see this all put together! I had to work really hard to keep myself from laughing out loud - because then I would get some weird looks from my family - so my stomach was really hurting by the end. But in a good way, you know? ;)
Anyway, there were so many great things about this piece; I can't even begin to name them. (However, the crowning jewel was definitely a drunk and dancing Odahviing.) And as a side note: you filled in the extra parts with Kajsa excellently. ("High-strung"... that's probably the kindest way to put it.)
JakMar chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
Apologies my computer is still being weird and sent the first part before i was done but here is the full review
I enjoyed how BDLG's brother kept insulting skyrim it worked very well and ha Jon dies posters was that a spoiler or just a joke..hmm.
Also i thought it was funny that Ulfric had so many love interests it added some very funny content and Bryolf you sexy bastard, you sure know how to take care of an argument. And for Ralof hell yeah that's how it's done.
onto the first part with me haha brilliantly done, gotta love that armor and pff i let her win...that and i was to drunk to use my arm. and aww you mothered a Dragon haha Odahviing none the less he's gonna have one hell of a hangover.
and bit about going to pet the cat gold i chuckled out loud.
now to my favorite bit my proposal, i really enjoyed the interaction there you actually made me want to write a skyrim fanfic and the bit about were he says im your idiot left me grinning like an idiot for a while, you actually captured some of my personality in that i loved it and also the whole yes dear when he got dragged off lol way better than my idea of that stage.
But i loved it entirely sorta makes m sad there isn't more but ah well
RaptorZeroOne chapter 1 . 2/23/2013
So the cat is the one that does something incredibly badass in a Batman type of way but unlike Bats he actually kills the target. Then again he was protecting another badass.
Boys Do Like Girls chapter 1 . 2/23/2013
Well, what can I say? First of all, thanks. Hl, I know you'll get this, so I'll put everything into this for you. Everyon else, you're going to get PM-ed.

Well, this was brilliant. Seriously, I had no idea what you had planned or why you'd even do it, but thank you. Not only was this a really great read, fun, funny, and just brilliant, but I'm amazed at how many people took part. Honestly, I loved every moment of it, and it was seriously good.

The Ulfric conundrum was brilliant. After all, he gets so many love interests, and the bitch match between Kajsa, and Alea was so funny, with Ulfric kind of swaggering his way through it all.

A drunk dragon; definitely something I wanted to see.

JakMar, I wouldn't have any faith in your either, and the man contest between GetOutofMyBathroom and Stigr was fantastic. Good to see RaptorZeroOne and SpecialAgentOrange as well.

But, HL, what you did was brilliant, and I couldn't have expected it, not actually deserved it. The writing was pretty damn funny, and I loved the way you took it all on for a guy you've never met, so thank you so much, and that's all I can really say.

Mega Kilo 69 chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
Fantastic story and a big congratulations to all that took part. I've never regretted taking a few days off more :'( But it was a brilliant story. Happy Birthday BDLG
JakMar chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
I could kiss you right now lol that was brilliant i'll start at he beginning first
General 77 chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
Frick well i just got back from a trip so i did not get to participate but i did get the invite...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BDLG and TSGSC as well as anyone who has this birthday even though it is only the 21st
GetOutOfMyBathroom chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
Happy Birthday sir! Hope you enjoy it. Do plenty of illegal things and don't get caught. Be a penguin.
