Reviews for Shades of Fifty
SMEADE chapter 26 . 5/13/2019
This was a very good story and you wrote both Ana and Christian true to themselves. Ana not being so intimidated by Christian and he letting go a little of his control when he’s dealing with Ana. He’s finally found someone who has taken him out of the dark side of his life and made him feel. Feeling things that he never thought he would be able to feel like wanting to be with someone, making love other than BDSM, just making love to the person he can’t stop thinking about. Sorry you haven’t updated would have loved to read the bantering, and the interaction between them both.
SMEADE chapter 25 . 5/13/2019
He’s so captivated by Ana, no one has ever challenged him like she does. He feels different when he’s with her, alive and can’t explain why. He not only wants her but it’s getting to a point that he needs her, not only for sex but her physical presence by his side.
SMEADE chapter 24 . 5/12/2019
Christian Grey has got it bad, really bad for a man who has always had women falling at his feet he’s now falling at the feet of Anastasia Steele. All those rules he had in place to control every aspect of his life seem to be getting smaller each day when he’s with Ana.
SMEADE chapter 23 . 5/12/2019
Anastasia said yes to Christion’s proposal but they will talk about the soft limits. Can’t wait to read how that’s going to work.
SMEADE chapter 22 . 5/12/2019
He’s beside himself he can’t let her go this feeling he has when he’s with her is something he has never felt before with anyone and he wants her to be his and only his.
SMEADE chapter 21 . 5/12/2019
Even Dr Flynn is surprised at what Christian told him how he’s feeling when he’s with Anastasia awake and sleeping with her in his bed. Christian feels the spark of electricity between them when they are near each other and more when they touch.
SMEADE chapter 20 . 5/12/2019
Glad you came back ready to finish this amazing story.
SMEADE chapter 19 . 5/12/2019
I love the bantering back and forth between them. He’s hooked and he doesn’t know it. He will give into her demands on the contract because he’s falling in love with her and doesn’t realize it until Flynn makes him admit it.
SMEADE chapter 18 . 5/12/2019
He’s so unprepared dealing with someone like Anastasia because all other women would never disobey him but Anastasia still has her free will. She is going to be an amazing challenge for him and he will change slowly without even knowing it.
SMEADE chapter 17 . 5/12/2019
That’s another first for Christian feeling “Pain and Hurt.”What’s going to happen when he goes to Ana’s apartment and confronts her on that e-mail she sent him “Okay, I’ve seen enough. It was nice knowing you.” He’s not going to give up.
SMEADE chapter 16 . 5/12/2019
Anastasia Steele is going to be a challenge for Christian and I think he likes it. It’s another first, no women have ever defied him, he always got his way because he controlled them. Ana is not going to be controlled so easily.
SMEADE chapter 15 . 5/12/2019
He wanted Ana to meet his mother, that’s another first for him. He’s breaking all his rules because he wants to be with her and jealous because she’s talking to Jose reminding her he doesn’t like to share.
SMEADE chapter 14 . 5/11/2019
Will Ana say “YEs” to Christian’s arrangement to be his. His and only his as he was her first sexual experience and his first virgin to make love to.
SMEADE chapter 13 . 5/11/2019
Anastasia got an A in oral skills her first time doing it and that pleases Christian. It means that she has never been with anyone before so that’s a first for him too. He’s never had anyone who was a virgin from the start of his introduction having sex.
SMEADE chapter 12 . 5/11/2019
He is so troubled, first, he feels confused, afraid and then he feels comfortable wanting her close feeling her warm body in his arms thinking this is such an intimate affair not wanting to let her go.
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