Reviews for The Key
jumpingninjo chapter 1 . 5/25/2018
awesome what really shocked me was that Tara was Buffys mistress I'm so used to Tara being submissive anywho loved the story thx for writing it
darkslayer97 chapter 10 . 8/3/2013
I really love this story, Can't wait for the sequel! Bring on Willow and Dawn loving.;)
Kenn.Faith.Dawn chapter 9 . 7/20/2013
awesome chapter
Kenn.Faith.Dawn chapter 8 . 6/18/2013
awesome chapter i'm really enjoying this story please update soon
Ltlconf chapter 8 . 6/18/2013

Fred is an interesting choice for Faith. Uncommon and unique (woulda expected Cordy), though not crazy either. Fred was shown flirting with Willow as well as having a big heart, taking to Faith quickly and having no fear of her so it makes sense. Add in that Faith is smarter and gentler than she lets on while Fred loves simple things that Faith can relate to as well as being tough as nails...I can see it working.
Would like to see more of this relationship when the time comes.
Oh, and I LIKE the old Faith! Give her some support and a good shot at being included and the nastier side won't show anyhow.

Interesting choices on the forms the First took and a tad more appropriate really. But then Joss was limited by who he could get actor-wise so meh. Would love to see more of the First's mind-games! One thing that always confused me in Sn7 is that Dawn was shown in the Sn6 finale as being a rather skilled (even deadly) combatant with real talent with a sword. Then suddenly in Sn7 Dawn...wasn't. How are playing with that?

Love how Dawn and Willow work here and how the compliment each other as well as how they're taking it somewhat slowly so far. The age gap borders on squicky, but no worse than with Kennedy and Willow (come on, every hint on the show put her as no older than 16!) and at least here they know each other well and both know the gap is there and take it into account. Very mature really.

Oh, and thanks for not making Buffy a bitch, I hate that. Don't think she walks on water and has some serious flaws but I see her as being much more "even" due to Tara's influence here. So it makes sense and is also fun to read!

The Cracker!
Kenn.Faith.Dawn chapter 7 . 5/30/2013
i loved this chapter and Kennedy and Vi is an interseting pairing to write i'm looking forward to seeing ho wit goes.
Ltlconf chapter 7 . 5/30/2013

Dang, and I was hoping Faith would warm up to and like Vi and vice-versa. She could use someone like that in her life. A balance for and someone to soften Faith's personality. But I like, admire really, how you've made Kennedy more likable here. People forget she lived with her parents, servants, and her Watcher. Well, you can imagine what happened to all in the house... Pretty raw and traumatic, so I can understand lashing out and clinging to Willow.
Why I think she and Faith hit it off in that episode, in their unique stand-offish way: They'd both been there. And why Faith needs a quiet soul or someone who can relate to help her move on.

Oh well, at least Faith'll have Rona the BEYATCH to beat on for entertainment!

And PLEASE no romance or even role in the hay with Woods? I found the whole thing creepy and tad insulting to Faith: She was basically the Slayer Woods could 'get' since Buffy shot him down. He was all over Faith as soon as he found out who and what she was and Faith just seemed "needy" for acceptance and attention.

Oh, and a note, ALL the Potentials, including Kenn were underaged. They were specifically referred to as a "bunch of 15-year olds." Exaggeration I'm sure, but not my much! Otherwise, what's the point of the Cruciamentum and having it set on a firm, and young, year of maturity if you're gonna have girls called PAST that age?

The Cracker!

(Joss somewhat disturbs me on this (as far as canon ages) trend of older-younger romances...only Willow and Tara are similar in age as far as I can tell!)

(Just a question and observation here,)
I'm gonna have to reread this thing 'cause, as much as I love Tara (one of my top three faves), I DON'T see at a krav maga type and front-line warrior. Cause I now think I seriously think I missed this change in Tara into a bad-ass warrior. I SERIOUSLY missed it!
And why?
I see Tara as something FAR more vital to the Scoobs: The person who keeps them sane. Who deals with their PTSD, talks them down from doing the stupid, holds them together, talks to them when they can't talk to each other, keeps the internal peace, and handles the details of daily life they often forget. Ya know, the vital stuff that's not nearly as exciting as kicking butt, but frankly is FAR more vital to fighting the war in the first place.
Buffy so needs this in her life! And why I think they were becoming, finally, genuine friends before Tara's death in canon.
Not that Tara couldn't learn to fight (I'd go with jiu jistu or akido, especially the latter); she's a farm girl, likely pretty hale and hearty, but (in my mind) a hard, brutal, vicious style like Krav Maga doesn't "fit" her. Faith or Buffy, yes, very much so, but not Tara. Unless you've changed her more than I thought?

And I think Tara's a more powerful and skilled witch than most give her credit for, including the Scoobs. Tara simply isn't one to use magic unless utterly needed, very cautious about it (notice it's rarely her first suggestion in the series). She's perfect to teach anyone for this reason: Tara will press that magic is the last resort, rarely the first.
Kenn.Faith.Dawn chapter 6 . 5/16/2013
awesome chapter i am a kennedy fan and the way she's thinking and acting is perfect for a lot of authors struggle to write kennedy but so far it spot on
Ltlconf chapter 6 . 5/15/2013

The only issue with this chapter is that there's no way in Hades Faith isn't in that bed and Kennedy on the floor. I'm no Kenn hater like many (I don't a blame innocent characters for poor timing by writers), but this is FAITH, and obviously Dawn's a pal and Kenn...not so much!
Sooo...Kenn gets rolled and Faith the bed, just saying.

By and by, I'm kinda missing the struggle with the magic addiction. Willow still should be worrying over that and alot. You never get over addiction, you just deal with it. And it makes for good drama without a need for (ugh) angst.

The Cracker!
Kenn.Faith.Dawn chapter 3 . 4/23/2013
awesome chapter
Kenn.Faith.Dawn chapter 2 . 4/3/2013
awesome story so far please update soon
Undermine.A chapter 2 . 4/2/2013
Haha! A pervy redhead she is-but a really cute pervy redhead :D. I'm too lazy to log in but whatever. It's awesome how you put in some A.I. characters too
LovingWolf93 chapter 1 . 3/17/2013
This is pretty interesting. I usually don't follow stories that put Tara and Willow with other people, but I'm going to follow this story and see how things go with Dawn.
UnderminetheAuthority chapter 1 . 3/2/2013
I think this is a pretty interesting plot-the writing is good and everyone looks in character. Update soon :D