Reviews for Morning Song
little miss michelle chapter 1 . 3/1/2014
So good!
Rashaka chapter 1 . 3/10/2013
- "He spends the rest of the summer in a scotch-induced haze. He sleeps with almost anything that has legs, as long as they're women. He doesn't care what Pierce claims. He's not gay."

Yeah... you lost me there. For about six different reasons. Better luck next story, I guess. I was hoping you'd continue on the Dean/Jeff/Annie one...? Oh well.
nyclove3 chapter 1 . 3/2/2013
This was bittersweet and beautiful. When Annie put Jeff on the spot at the start in hope that he would confront his feelings, it felt very IC for him to resist and fight against it but still hurt him. I thoroughly enjoyed the melancholy ride and the ending was just perfect. I'm loving your work! I really hope you keep writing Jeff and Annie. :)
shippersgonnaship chapter 1 . 2/27/2013
O.M.G. this was PERFECT PERFECT! Wowee. Felt sad but very Jeff to deny his feelings but I loved the ending so hard!
Erica chapter 1 . 2/27/2013
This was quite lovely, good job. I was wondering if there was any chance you could write something like this again but maybe from Annie's perspective I think it would be interesting.
robert3A-SN chapter 1 . 2/27/2013
Can't say this wasn't rough going at the start, as I'm sure you intended - given the steps Jeff has taken in S4 already, and the steps he'd have to take just to sleep with Annie for a few months, I'd like to think he'd be a little more willing to face deeper feelings by then. Yet those deeper feelings are there in his inner monologues, which were pretty great, especially with all the feelings from Annie being back and from being his friend again and kissing her. Then he has to go and be such a doll with Annie's little doll...
Jackie chapter 1 . 2/26/2013
I liked this story, and I haven't ever seen an episode of this show. But since you are one of my favorite fanfic authors I decided to read It anyway. I am glad i did. I really liked the character of Olivia and how Jeff interacted with her in your story. I am considering watching this show now.