Reviews for Far Longer Than Forever
Fleur24 chapter 1 . 11/9/2015
AWE this is so cute! I rather liked 'The Swan Princess' when I was little, so this is a lovely trip down memory lane for me. That song does fit Rose and the Doctor perfectly. Almost scarily so. I do love how you used it as part of a way to reunite the pair of them, and that was awesome!
carifoo2001 chapter 1 . 7/12/2014
I can't love anything more than this. :D I have no other words for this piece of extravagant writing.
addicted-to-the-fic chapter 1 . 3/7/2013
That was really good. I played the song as i read and i almost started to cry, the moment with Jackie mad me laugh
The Doctor Rose chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
great song
ifonlyx33 chapter 1 . 3/1/2013
38c18942ab349a7355e7e5f98128 7816/ tumblr_inline_
ifonlyx33 chapter 1 . 3/1/2013
38c18942ab349a7355e7e5f98128 7816/tumblr_inline_

I like a star-crossed tragedy that ends with happily-ever-after. It's so perfectly beautiful and passionate.

The song part is a bit silly, but I don't even care. The Doctor & Rose get a beautiful new life together. I just finished series 2, but I know this will be better than just "moving on" and meeting new people, so this is what I'm going to pretend happens when I start watching Series 3 and feel like I can't take it anymore. Because my OTP means ONLY ONE. My heart won't change, neither should his. And when the Doctor met Rose, that was it-she was the one. Anyone else was only her replacement.