Reviews for A Matter of Time
Dippy Egg chapter 1 . 6/13/2019
Time to re-read my #1 favorite fanfiction~3
pocketfulsun chapter 7 . 2/10/2019
I don't know if you'd ever come back on here, but if you do I wanted to say how much I love this series. I've been reading it since before A Matter of Time was finished and coming back years later and rereading it is still amazing. This is one of the best I've ever read. Thank you .
Guest chapter 11 . 11/26/2018
“The nations have always been human, no matter the reality.”

...honestly I think you just blew my mind with this one sentence. It made me realize that I haven’t, in all my life, ever really thought of the world’s countries in terms of the people which compose them, and in doing so, I’ve dehumanized the acts of war. I’ve always thought of the countries as entities, and so when in history classes I was taught that this country bombed another, or these countries invaded this one, I never gave weight to the human element behind the crimes; in my mind, it wasn’t a person/people who performed the acts, just the country, and I’m honestly tearing up at the horror behind this epiphany.
ShootingStar chapter 13 . 10/9/2018
Congratulations to such a wonderfully great written story! :) I mean, rather, to your talent, because you do have talent!
I discovered your fanfiction one or two days ago and am so happy to have found it. I've never seen a (is it 'a' or 'an'?) Hetalia fanfiction that discusses (deep) topics, that I have thought about and wished to see in such a funny depicted Manga/Anime. Due to its history topic, Hetalia has a good opportunity to be turned into something more serious. And that is what I wanted to read so badly! Great written, serious (not too heavy), realistic behaviour of the Nations (and States, ect..), history mentioning Hetalia Fanfiction. Thats what it is.
Thank you for your hard work! Seriously, you make me so happy! :D
There was one, no two things that surprised me while reading:

First: You kept their behaviours - their masks - more or less exactly the same as in the manga. N. Italy appearing weak, close to tears and happy-go-lucky. America being obnoxious, into hamburgers and the hero. And so on. That surprised me, 'cause I always thought about making them in a less-manga-like-way, less exaggerated, when I think about writing fanfictions myself. But you made it work! :) And it makes more sense, due to them being tactical nations.

Second: Writing the firts letters of the german nouns in capitals. Thank you! :)) English doesn't to this, so I never stumble upon correctly written german nouns in english fanfictions, what is understandable.
Grammatical differences and such.
You only forgot one noun.
One last feedback for the german sentences:
I would change "Schliessen Sie den Mund!" to "Halten Sie den Mund!"
"Schliessen Sie den Mund!" means literally "Close your mouth!" It just sounds like a mother ordering her child to close its mouth (in a formal way. 'Sie' is formal.)
"Halten Sie den Mund!" means literally "Hold your mouth!"

Hopefully, my review is useful and you can understand what I am trying to say. :D English is not my first language and I am less used to write it than understanding it.
Keep up the good work! The lenghts of the chapters are great too!
StarSilverRain chapter 1 . 8/2/2018
This has got to be one of the best fanfictions that I have ever read. Not finished yet but I have got to say that your writing style is amazing and that I can't wait to finish the story.
ZeAwezumPrussia chapter 32 . 5/11/2018
This was the first time I've enjoyed an OC fanfic this much! Looking forward to the sequel
dreamwithinadream262 chapter 32 . 12/20/2017
You know, honestly, I'm confused why this doesn't have more reviews. I'm not really part of the Hetalia fandom, it was a remnant of my middle school days but this fanfic...I can tell you truly have a passion for history, as do I and damn did you do all of this justice. From the first chapter, I thought "Oh shit this is good." Your passion for both writing and history is so apparent from the amount of effort put into this story. It's beautiful truly, the way you described the countries- your imagery. I was never a real fan of first-person perspective but this story shattered that bias in my mind. Honestly, I don't know what to say about this other than your hard work really was worth it. I feel like I went on this ride with Michelle myself- this story although fiction just had so much honestly- the emotions were so candid and relatable. I did tear up a few times. I also read the sequel, which wow, what a tornado of emotions there. You're truly a writer that's for sure. Thanks for sharing your passion with the world, or the internet I guess. I aspire to write like this.
Thanks for holding my imagination captive for the last four days.
Write on~
Guest chapter 32 . 8/6/2017
I'm confused
Guest chapter 5 . 8/6/2017
I'd rather kill myself than be in Michelles place
RikusaNerd chapter 32 . 7/1/2017
What was the price? Is it her life? Urgh im so slow
VerumUmbria chapter 32 . 5/24/2017
I'm really sorry if I missed it but I didn't get what the price was?! Sorry but could anyone tell me?
hostilearchitecture chapter 9 . 5/13/2017
ah gosh! im really loving it so far!
AddictionProblems21 chapter 32 . 5/10/2017
This is one of the best stories I have read!
BlackDove WhiteDove chapter 32 . 12/26/2016
;-; waaahhhaaaaaa
Polly Little chapter 25 . 12/26/2016
Oh look, I'm crying.
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