Reviews for I Should Go
Victorules chapter 32 . 12/21/2017
You know, I just realized someone out there sat and thought about what Thane's son's most memorable moment with Shepard would likely be. And I think that's what I want to leave with.
Victorules chapter 31 . 12/21/2017
This was actually the most interesting to me so far. We really didn't see any sort of consequence for wiping out a system, even if it might have saved the galaxy. We just got some less than polite reactions once in a while during 3.
Victorules chapter 30 . 12/21/2017
So many questions...
Victorules chapter 29 . 12/21/2017
Good on you for making Kelly a character. My memory may be spotty if I missed this depth in game, but she was always one of those people who become a constant in the background and she never really left it. IMO, of course.
Victorules chapter 27 . 12/21/2017
Yay, Bailey! He was a good part of two, I was sad to find him so scarce in 3.
Victorules chapter 26 . 12/21/2017
It was not hard to become as heavily invested in the Krogan as most of us did, was it? With the characters we got for examples and Tuchanka looking at times wonderfully sci-fi and horribly familiar.

Also, 'Bakara Urdmot'. With an 'M'. Just in case you want to fix that one.
Victorules chapter 25 . 12/21/2017
Lot of nodding happened while reading this. And a lot of nodding also went down while listening to Hackett speak in the games. This is a compliment, I swear.
Victorules chapter 21 . 12/21/2017
I do wonder what sort of mission the Normandy would have now. Also, what the hell that jungle planet at the very end was. But, hey, with how bad the ending was maybe we are better off without knowing what was going through the writers' minds.
Victorules chapter 20 . 12/21/2017
Ok, you made Joker a person. I am now open to anything.
Victorules chapter 16 . 12/21/2017
My favorite entry was Garrus but that's just because I'm so biased for anything that does him justice.

Femshep and Garrus romance, of course, I would have gone gay for Garrus if the game had let me.

Miranda's ''I will find you'' doesn't leave a lot of room for interpretation. This is not blue ending because Shep is not the overlord of the galaxy, so either it's a green ending which Tali might have implied or it is red and Miranda is aiming for Lazarus 2.0.

For the future... I don't know. I never felt like Joker was much of a character, and he's the most memorable of the many faces in the background for me.

I do have a question for you, the same I do for most fans of the series I meet: Thoughts on Andromeda?
Victorules chapter 15 . 12/21/2017
I saw these coming a mile away but Tali's voice actress in my mind pulled those tears right out.
Victorules chapter 10 . 12/21/2017
Why is this the one that breaks me down? Goddamit, Grunt.
shepardpatton chapter 19 . 1/21/2017
The Garrus chapter was my favorite and made me hate the ending of ME3 even more
Maryz Fayner chapter 57 . 4/23/2016
Liked this, both character choice and the tone of the piece.

I do wonder if Lorik knew he was being recorded. Seemed awfully close to admitting foul play there a bit.

Any chance of getting Hannah Shepard?
X59 chapter 57 . 3/14/2016
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