Reviews for The Bird in a Cage chapter 40 . 7/11/2018
I could be wrong, but did you use quite a few fight scenes from Ip Man as inspiration?
I swear that I recognize some of those moves.
Maria Paula chapter 42 . 7/22/2017
A delight to read it! Love your fic and writing style!
Leefa chapter 42 . 4/6/2017
I know you wrote this long ago. But just read this story. I love it! Will be rereading this inthe future for sure. Thanks. Headed now to check out your other fan fiction. Really enjoyed all the quotes.
Jeditwins chapter 42 . 1/9/2017
Well, I can file this fanfiction under "Titles I never expected to read, but I did", and I must say I was delightfully surprised by it. I applaud you for your synopsis, for if you mentioned anything about fighting rings and the likes of it, I would of skimmed over it. Granted it did take me two years to find this fanfic, but I'm glad I did. I had always imagined Sophie being a badass fighter, standing up for herself. I particularly enjoyed the way you portrayed Howl, throughout your story I almost imagined him as this self centered child, who's eyes were opened by Sophie, and spent the later chapters soaking in this different world. One thing that did slow me down a bit though, was the portrayal of Calcifer, I found in some scenes he was that bubbly, yet sly fire demon we all love, and other scenes he was very stoic, and flat, almost numb, but I guess I could expect that from the position he was in. Overall lovely story, and I'm so glad I found it.
Erinsaber chapter 42 . 1/17/2016
THIS. WAS. AMAZING. This is the first fix I've read by you, and I'm blown away. This was just amazing. Can you start writing professionally please? I'd read anything you wrote. Thank you!
Senile-felineS chapter 42 . 8/3/2015
So why was Howl in trouble? Was it because he got Morgan covered in mud?

I did notice the Alice in Wonderland references, does that mean I get cookies? Are they chocolate chip?

Now off to read some of your other stuff.
Senile-felineS chapter 41 . 8/3/2015
Senile-felineS chapter 40 . 8/2/2015
That. Fight. Was. Brilliant! I could picture most of it in my head'especially the part with the hachets. Although I would not have expected her to use spring-loaded night-sticks. They are wonderful, yes, but I belive one of their major criticisms is how un-stealthy they are.

I like this Daniel guy, he is fun.

Also, I forgot to mention this in the last review so I will do it now. The Wastes arena, the Witch being called such, thus she is 'The Witch of the Wastes.' Clever.
Senile-felineS chapter 39 . 8/2/2015
Now I feel bad. I had suspected that Howell was thinking with the wrong brain in dating Lilly Angorian (which I somehow doubt is the Welsh equivalent of Smith).

I loved the sparks of dry humour from Howell in this chapter. He struck me as someone who has given up on pretending. And I really do think he would want to go out with style.
Senile-felineS chapter 38 . 8/2/2015
They don't necesarily have to deal in dollars to have a value in dollars. They are an international company and so have probably been quoted on the US stock exchange. I think that is all that would be needed to have a value in dollars. Although I am open to correction on that.
Senile-felineS chapter 34 . 8/2/2015
was Calcifer trying to point out that Sophie's still something of a kid at heart?
Senile-felineS chapter 33 . 8/2/2015
Sophie's stare makes me think of Cro Cop. I don't know if you know about them but he was a freaking incredible mma fighter. The man would just stare through anyone who tried to indimidate him, it was brilliant.
Senile-felineS chapter 31 . 8/2/2015
Wait... Hayao Miyazaki is dead? All I have seen about him is that he retired. nothing about him dying. I reject your reality and instead substitute my own.

Also, I like how you reworked the curse of the eldest of three. Rather than it being a magical fairy tale thing (which worked fine in the original, but would not have fit here), it becomes about responsibility to take care of Martha and Lettie. Very good.
Senile-felineS chapter 30 . 8/2/2015
Since I know you actually read reviews, I will leave more. Batman is awsome, as are references to it.

Although I am curious about Sophie's leg. I know that dedicated martial artists often break bones in a controlled fashion so that they get stronger, but I imagin fighring with a broken leg is still going to affect speed and dexterity. Yet in Sophie's case everyone, including those who don't really know the level of her endurance, ignores it most of the time.

One other question, and then I swear I'm done. You brought up the contract with the no fraternising clause. Then it just got swept under the rug. I would have liked to see more fallout from that, or at least to read the scene where Sophie and Howell hash it out and decide skrew it (and maybe each other *wink*) let's go with this. Is that coming later, if not will enough pleading convince you to write it as a companion ficlet?
Senile-felineS chapter 16 . 8/1/2015
I don't know if you will get this, or care, but I have to ask. Rugby court? Rugby is similar to american football (though more brutal due to the mostly lack of protective gear and massive size of the average player), and as such is played on a field, not a court.

Otherwise you can take my lack of gripes as a sign that I am enjoying this story.
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