Reviews for More Than A Game
LightningStorm2003 chapter 13 . 3/19
I really hope you finish this story. I've also read the two previous stories today and it would be a shame if this wonderful one was not finished to completion. I have REALLY enjoyed it.
6of7 chapter 13 . 10/29/2018
I am really enjoying this story. I hope you will finish it!
MoonWind Dancer chapter 13 . 3/30/2018
PLEASE - More!

I am so in love with these stories - I can't wait to read more. You caught me from the first. Can I say I am jealous of a fictional woman?
Roberta Madsen chapter 7 . 3/2/2018
Re: vanity played in Los Angeles. My husband was a med student at USC from1969 -73. A classmate had
Marbo chapter 13 . 2/23/2018
Sigh. Is it possible for a real person to be jealous of a fictional character? I’m sure jealous of Patty Mack! But at the same time, how fabulous that Mike has such a great, wonderful girl who is head over heels in love with him. And he feels the same. So, what is the hold up? Why hasn’t he proposed?
And I am also curious about Emily and Henry Mack. What is their history?
Please update soon!
MinervaMcGee chapter 13 . 2/23/2018
Great chapter, thanks!
Madilayn chapter 12 . 2/22/2018
Now I really want to know the history between Henry McKonikee and Emily Stanley (or was she Stanley at the time?). Well, other than his propositioning her at the Firemans Ball when she thought he was his brother.
Madilayn chapter 2 . 2/22/2018
Just on your note - since the 1970's the gear a firefighter wears has changed a lot! What they showin Emergency! was the actual gear worn because it was pre all the newer inventions/gear.

We see several times in the show where Stoker has gone into buildings with the rest of the crew (god knows who is looking after the Engine during this time - perhaps there are ther crews on site and their engineers are doing it).

Given the context and time frame of the show, I find your premise highly likely - considering that Cap was also an Engineer and quite capable of looking after the Engine
c76828 chapter 12 . 9/12/2016
I'm really enjoying your story and hope to find out what all happens to Mike and Patty. Keep up the fun writing and if the "guys" show up again in the middle of the night, just let them know your working on it
sb4ever chapter 4 . 3/11/2015
Wow! I don't think writing gets any better than this! You are an incredible writer able to paint such vivid pictures that the words cone alive and make the reader feel as though they are witnessing the scene in person. Can't believe I didn't read this earlier!
Ryn chapter 12 . 7/14/2014
Fabulous story! Loved how you've fleshed out Mike Stoker so completely and made him a living and breathing person. Hope you can get back to this story some day soon!
Perfect Madness chapter 12 . 12/17/2013
I finished re-reading the entire 12 chapters and this story just grips me - all the characters are fascinating and I've repeatedly caught myself thinking about it and them ever since! I am so looking forward to seeing where your tale take us. Bravo!
Piscean6724 chapter 12 . 12/11/2013
Wow, Sara, you are one amazing writer. The attention to detail and the emotions springing out of my laptop and slapping me in the face are incredible. Fantastic job and welcome back. We've missed you!
AMStarshine chapter 11 . 12/1/2013
Please update this story soonish :)
Enfleurage chapter 11 . 9/21/2013
I've read this chapter a few times now and the rawness and hurt and disbelief from Derek's death hasn't faded in any re-read, nor the realism of Patty wanting to take away the hurt and learning from one who knows that she cannot, no one can.
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