Reviews for Wounds of the Heart
RedApple435 chapter 11 . 10/11/2014
I love this! Please don't abandon it.
kissa13 chapter 11 . 9/4/2014
You're the first one who could make me believe that Fiyero is a bad guy and should burn in hell. Now continue it please! I really want to know what happens next!
JustAnotherFangirl27 chapter 11 . 8/27/2014
I am intrigued. More of this please.
Just personal opinion, I don't like the way you write their thoughts, as there is nothing to differentiate them from the rest of the text. Maybe italicize or use the single apostrophe like this: '.
JustAnotherFangirl27 chapter 10 . 8/27/2014
Wow, I'm stupid, didn't even realize there were two more chapters when I made the review on chapter 9. The rest of my points still stand though. Good show.
JustAnotherFangirl27 chapter 9 . 8/27/2014
This is really good. I read a lot of fanfiction and considering you have a high grasp of spelling, grammar and the knowledge of proper sentence structure and how punctuation works; and most especially you actually understand, for the most part, how writing dialogue in a story works, (ie. you use the comma and apostrophes correctly), then all I can say is that this is quite high quality compared to many of the fanfictions I've read. Other than a word missing or a wrong letter here or there (which, I assume can be contributed to human error, rather than ignorance of form.) your writing is very good.

As for the plot itself, I really like it, because it is realistic enough to be something that I could actually see happening to the characters in the musical. I'm glad you made Elphaba go back and investigate, and didn't reduce her to be uncharacteristically stupid and just running away because of hurt feelings (which is a cliche that really pisses me off to no end.) So keep on trucking, as I'm really looking forward to seeing where you take the story from here.
Mary chapter 11 . 8/15/2014
Fiyero is a bitch and i love you for that, I simply love your history
wicked gravity chapter 9 . 8/14/2014
I loved this chapter, and Glinda finally showed her feelings :) Thanks for the update!
Varia chapter 11 . 8/9/2014
Ummm..Fiyero being an ass as usual...nice
Waldengarver chapter 11 . 8/7/2014
It's great to see this updated!
Caricature of a Witch chapter 11 . 8/7/2014
Wow. okay, I actually had to re-read the whole story to know what it was all about, but that doesn't bother me much because it's a good story. And I'm really glad you found the time to go on with it!
Fiyero is such an asshole in this story. Gah. He's so nasty. And how the hell was he turned into a human man again? I prefer him as a Scarecrow, he's less dangerous that way... just threaten him with a match when he gets annoying. Can Elphaba please kick him where it hurts most and go after Glinda? Because I'm really not sure I trust her alone with a knife. Except if she decides to turn back and use it against Fiyero, I wouldn't mind that.
Anyway, I hope you won't let yourself be consumed by your work too much! Hope you'll still have time for yourself (and for fanfiction, because I'm selfish and want to read more)! :)
christinesdaae chapter 11 . 8/6/2014
Fiyero is annoying me so much! It makes me ship Gelphie even more though, keep up the AMAZING work!
turf1082 chapter 11 . 8/6/2014
Enjoyed it. Good to see you back. Keep up the good work-in RL and in this fic.
nursejoy7 chapter 11 . 8/6/2014
XD omg it's been so long since the last update I didn't remember who used the knife on Glinda XD I had to go back in the chapters :P but it's so good that it doesnt matter I love your fic I can't wait to read the next! I Wonder if Fiyero will do something really bad to Glinda and Elphie will save her 8.8
nursejoy7 chapter 10 . 2/17/2014
plzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZ continue it o.o soooooooonnnnnnnnnn
Nic Coay chapter 10 . 9/20/2013
This story is amazing. I love how different it is from the usual Gelphie Fics, with it taking place after the musical instead of during. This is the perfect ending to Wicked that I have always longed for and I completely accept it as canon now. ) I'm also a sucker for hurt/comfort stories and your tale hits all the right notes of angst and adorable. Poor Fiyero, though. Gettin' the short straw, there... Sorry. Bad puns. XD
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